Hollow Knight Heading to Wii U eShop After Successful Kickstarter

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2014

Hollow Knight Heading to Wii U eShop After Successful Kickstarter on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Team Cherry's Hollow Knight has met its Wii U stretch goal for the game on Kickstarter.

With just moments to go before the successful campaign came to a close, the 2D adventure game has now been confirmed for a Wii U release alongside PC, Mac and Linux.

The game, which boasts a unique and striking art direction, places players into the role of Hollow Knight, exploring the world of Hallownest to uncover the answers to a possibly sinister question: why aren't adventurers returning from their quests?

For more details, be sure to view the project on Kickstarter.

Did you pledge support for Hollow Knight? What do you think of the concept?

Box art for Hollow Knight

Team Cherry


Team Cherry


2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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