Stick Nintendo Badges on the 3DS Home Screen in Free-to-Play Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2014 6

Stick Nintendo Badges on the 3DS Home Screen in Free-to-Play Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Badges, badges ahoy! Nintendo released a nifty new eShop app in Japan that allows players to decorate the 3DS home menu with icons.

The app, known as Collectible Badge Center, comes free, but reels in the money by charging ¥90 (around $0.75/49p) for five additional goes. There's also the opportunity to gain a free play per day in the game's practice mode.

The game itself? A classic crane affair, where players grab the badges/stickers in attempt to secure their winnings. Badges include the likes of Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, NES and much more.


Do you think this approach to free-to-play works and the concept?

Box art for Nintendo Badge Arcade








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This is a truly Japanese way to do F2P to be quite honest... o.O I dislike all what F2P-P2W is named, but I still see this as something I could actually pay for because it is purely cosmetic. Beside, who wouldn't love some stickers on their homescreen?

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Wtf did I just listen to! That's the most annoying voice in the history of promotional videos!

" charging ¥90 (around $0.75/49p) for five additional goes. "

Utterly disgusting if you ask me that. :-/

Paying for content is fine by me - however its divided up.

But paying for 5 to be added some internal go variable . urg.
I am disappointed Nintendo has gone to such depths. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
" charging ¥90 (around $0.75/49p) for five additional goes. "

Utterly disgusting if you ask me that. :-/

Paying for content is fine by me - however its divided up.

But paying for 5 to be added some internal go variable . urg.
I am disappointed Nintendo has gone to such depths.

While I agree I think I will waste all my money if they release Lana and Rosalina stickers until I get a bunch of those to decorate my homescreen with... <___<

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Why do people spend so much time on their home screen to actually then go and spend money decorating it! I download the free themes such as the Cat Mario and Sonic Boom ones but i'm not paying for it! Thats just absurd!

Flynnie said:
Why do people spend so much time on their home screen to actually then go and spend money decorating it! I download the free themes such as the Cat Mario and Sonic Boom ones but i'm not paying for it! Thats just absurd!

I do not know about everyone else, but I love to have a beautiful home screen. It makes me feel better when I start up the 3DS. It is a quality of life thing. I am personally waiting though until the arrival of the New 3DS to buy themes as I hope a Completely Rosalina theme is out by then or maybe (I dare dream) a Melia theme to go with the remake of Xenoblade Chronicles...

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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