Grezzo Confirmed to Be Behind Majora's Mask 3D

By Lex Firth 16.12.2014 4

Grezzo Confirmed to Be Behind Majora

The Australian Classification board have confirmed that Grezzo is in charge of development for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, with Nintendo listing solely as publisher.

Grezzo have some experience in remaking Zelda titles - they were also behind Ocarina of Time 3D as well as Four Swords: Anniversary Edition on DSiWare, both of which were warmly received.

Majora's Mask 3D releases on Nintendo 3DS in all territories next year.

Are you excited to see Grezzo back at the helm for another remake? Let us know.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





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Koichi 'Mana' Ishii's Grezzo? Heck yeah! Fantastic news!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
Koichi 'Mana' Ishii's Grezzo? Heck yeah! Fantastic news!

They're an extremely capable studio and they did a great job with Ocarina 3D, but I almost feel like their talents are wasted on up-ports like this. I mean, Ishii was involved in several of the biggest and most well-received RPGs of all time. It looks like Nintendo owns Grezzo (they've never made a game for anyone else, anyway) and I feel like they could be developing some new, incredible IP, rather than just Zelda ports and StreetPass minigames.

That said, I might be a little worried if the Zelda remakes were in less capable hands. I think between all the devs Nintendo owns or contracts work out to, the Zelda remakes would be fine, but I would hate for Majora's Mask 3D to be anything less than stellar.

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justonesp00lturn said:
Adam Riley said:
Koichi 'Mana' Ishii's Grezzo? Heck yeah! Fantastic news!

They're an extremely capable studio and they did a great job with Ocarina 3D, but I almost feel like their talents are wasted on up-ports like this. I mean, Ishii was involved in several of the biggest and most well-received RPGs of all time. It looks like Nintendo owns Grezzo (they've never made a game for anyone else, anyway) and I feel like they could be developing some new, incredible IP, rather than just Zelda ports and StreetPass minigames.

That said, I might be a little worried if the Zelda remakes were in less capable hands. I think between all the devs Nintendo owns or contracts work out to, the Zelda remakes would be fine, but I would hate for Majora's Mask 3D to be anything less than stellar.

We have to remember that, besides A Link Between Worlds, there hasn't really been a way for Grezzo to get involved with the Zelda series (and, if rumours are to be believed, they were already tied up with this project while ALBW was being developed). Here's hoping they get involved with the development of Zelda U.

Yea it seems that Grezzo has been working on this since OoT3D. I'll give them credit where it's due, OoT 3D was great and I'm expecting great things from MM as well!

Hopefully Nintendo will allow them to work on a new IP or a different IP after MM is released.

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