Super Smash Bros. Wii U Sees Strong Start

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.12.2014 12

Super Smash Bros. Wii U Sees Strong Start on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In addition to strong Pokémon sales for November, Nintendo have seen equally impressive figures for Super Smash Bros. on 3DS and Wii U.

Since launching on 21st November, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U has sold nearly 710,000 combined units (digital / physical), with the week beginning 23rd November seeing the highest Wii U sales since the console launched back in 2012.

For the whole month of November 2014, sales of Wii U hardware and software increased by more than 10 percent and 90 percent, respectively, over November 2013.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U came in third place in the overall monthly NPD charts, pipped to the post by Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Grand Theft Auto V.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS is also going strong, having now sold over 1.5 million physical/digital units across North America since launching on 3rd October.

Have you purchased a copy of either Wii U or 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. since launch?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Already people are saying that WiiU is finished despite what SMASH did.  WTF?!

Jon Turner said:
Already people are saying that WiiU is finished despite what SMASH did.

I think people will say this no matter how well the WiiU does. It's a shame though because those people will miss some cracking titles!

( Edited 12.12.2014 09:38 by Sandy Wilson )

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Yes I agree.....There are a lot of Wii U haters out there.......They will miss out on some stellar titles LIke ZELDA, XENOBLADE, STARFOX.......PLUS RUMORED METROID AND POKKEN I know will be some incredible titles as well......

curtiscdragon said:
Yes I agree.....There are a lot of Wii U haters out there.......They will miss out on some stellar titles LIke ZELDA, XENOBLADE, STARFOX.......PLUS RUMORED METROID AND POKKEN I know will be some incredible titles as well......


I own all the consoles, ask me anything

There was also a recent rumor that suggested that Capcom, Namco, and SE are working on new projects.  NOTE:  this is a RUMOR, so take it with a grain of salt, but I heard that the following are either in the planning stages or are under consideration.

-Capcom is doing an unannounced title.  Could either be MEGAMAN LEGENDS 3 (remember Nintendo has picked up some canceled third party titles before) or just a PS2 collection repackaging.

-Namco is doing a new JRPG.  I don't know WHAT it is, but it would be great if it was TALES.  Baba said nothing is impossible, so... who knows.

-SE, last I heard, was experimenting with dual-pad gameplay mechanics on WiiU.

Like I said, ALL OF THESE are just rumors.  Take them for what they're worth.

Jon Turner said:
Like I said, ALL OF THESE are just rumors.  Take them for what they're worth.

Rumors or not it will be interesting to see what surfaces from them.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Sandy Wilson said:
Jon Turner said:
Like I said, ALL OF THESE are just rumors.  Take them for what they're worth.

Rumors or not it will be interesting to see what surfaces from them.

It will be indeed.  Many thirds have said that they're afraid of gambling on WiiU because they fear that the return investment woon't be worth it.  However, in spite of WiiU's currently lamentable predicament, Nintendo is trying.  They've commissioned thirds to co-develop some of their titles.  TecmoKoei did Hyrule Warriors, if you remember, and of course the phenomenal Bayonetta 2 was by Platinum Games.  The Wonderful 101 too.  Even Namco-Bandai, despite irritatingly having yet to announce a TALES for WiiU (I hope they do) surprisingly co-developed Wii Sports Club, Mario Kart 8, and the recent Super Smash Bros. WiiU.  The more collaboration projects like this prove to be successful, the braver thirds will feel.

Like I said though, these are just rumors.  Hopefully they'll come to pass.

Jon Turner said:

It will be indeed.  Many thirds have said that they're afraid of gambling on WiiU because they fear that the return investment woon't be worth it.  However, in spite of WiiU's currently lamentable predicament, Nintendo is trying.  They've commissioned thirds to co-develop some of their titles.  TecmoKoei did Hyrule Warriors, if you remember, and of course the phenomenal Bayonetta 2 was by Platinum Games.  The Wonderful 101 too.  Even Namco-Bandai, despite irritatingly having yet to announce a TALES for WiiU (I hope they do) surprisingly co-developed Wii Sports Club, Mario Kart 8, and the recent Super Smash Bros. WiiU.  The more collaboration projects like this prove to be successful, the braver thirds will feel.

Like I said though, these are just rumors.  Hopefully they'll come to pass.

I like that Nintendo are trying to prove to third parties that the WiiU is workable. I hope it succeeds! Although on the subject of Tales I cannot wait to get Zestiria!

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Sandy Wilson said:
Jon Turner said:

It will be indeed.  Many thirds have said that they're afraid of gambling on WiiU because they fear that the return investment woon't be worth it.  However, in spite of WiiU's currently lamentable predicament, Nintendo is trying.  They've commissioned thirds to co-develop some of their titles.  TecmoKoei did Hyrule Warriors, if you remember, and of course the phenomenal Bayonetta 2 was by Platinum Games.  The Wonderful 101 too.  Even Namco-Bandai, despite irritatingly having yet to announce a TALES for WiiU (I hope they do) surprisingly co-developed Wii Sports Club, Mario Kart 8, and the recent Super Smash Bros. WiiU.  The more collaboration projects like this prove to be successful, the braver thirds will feel.

Like I said though, these are just rumors.  Hopefully they'll come to pass.

I like that Nintendo are trying to prove to third parties that the WiiU is workable. I hope it succeeds! Although on the subject of Tales I cannot wait to get Zestiria!

Here's hoping too. A lot of people say I should give up already on ever having faith, but I can't.

I wish I could say I agree about Zestiria, but I unfortunately don't have a PS system. Having said that, yes, Tales of Symphonia is one of my favorite games of all time. It's a mastepriece. Although I may be in the minority, I enjoyed its sequel as well. It wasn't as epic as the original, true, but I still enjoyed it.

I can see that they're trying, but there are also people who are saying it's a waste of time on their part and thirds won't return ever.

Now to be fair, there ARE thirds who have behaved absolutely reprehensively (EA and Ubisoft), but I think others have an understandable reason to be wary about gambling on a system that didn't have the same impact as its predecessor.  If it's userbase that's the problem, then it's up to Nintendo to fix it.

( Edited 13.12.2014 01:02 by Jon Turner )

Jon Turner said:

Now to be fair, there ARE thirds who have behaved absolutely reprehensively (EA and Ubisoft), but I think others have an understandable reason to be wary about gambling on a system that didn't have the same impact as its predecessor.  If it's userbase that's the problem, then it's up to Nintendo to fix it.

The fact that Ubisoft said they are done with the WiiU really made me dislike them. But with the shoddy quality control at ubi just now it might be a good thing they jumped ship.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Sandy Wilson said:
Jon Turner said:

Now to be fair, there ARE thirds who have behaved absolutely reprehensively (EA and Ubisoft), but I think others have an understandable reason to be wary about gambling on a system that didn't have the same impact as its predecessor.  If it's userbase that's the problem, then it's up to Nintendo to fix it.

The fact that Ubisoft said they are done with the WiiU really made me dislike them. But with the shoddy quality control at ubi just now it might be a good thing they jumped ship.

It seems like Ubisoft themselves are not doing great in general.  Not supporting a company for practices like this is understandable.

However, IN the event that, say, Ubisoft, or any other third who once thought little of WiiU, turns a 180 and delivers a geniunely good game for the WiiU despite its track record, would you still boycott them?  That's where I feel that boycotting companies has to have its standards.  Boycott bad practices, but don't boycott GOOD practices.  Like for instance, a lot of people are upset with Namco, to the point that there were some who refused to even buy One Piece Unlimited World R for WiiU even though it turned out to be a pretty good game with no noticable issues.  It was supported with DLC, too, and Namco is still bringing games (just not ones we'd prefer) at least in Japan, so... in my opinion, when it comes to extremes like this, we should be careful about how far we should take them.

Jon Turner said:
Sandy Wilson said:
Jon Turner said:

Now to be fair, there ARE thirds who have behaved absolutely reprehensively (EA and Ubisoft), but I think others have an understandable reason to be wary about gambling on a system that didn't have the same impact as its predecessor.  If it's userbase that's the problem, then it's up to Nintendo to fix it.

The fact that Ubisoft said they are done with the WiiU really made me dislike them. But with the shoddy quality control at ubi just now it might be a good thing they jumped ship.

It seems like Ubisoft themselves are not doing great in general.  Not supporting a company for practices like this is understandable.

However, IN the event that, say, Ubisoft, or any other third who once thought little of WiiU, turns a 180 and delivers a geniunely good game for the WiiU despite its track record, would you still boycott them?  That's where I feel that boycotting companies has to have its standards.  Boycott bad practices, but don't boycott GOOD practices.  Like for instance, a lot of people are upset with Namco, to the point that there were some who refused to even buy One Piece Unlimited World R for WiiU even though it turned out to be a pretty good game with no noticable issues.  It was supported with DLC, too, and Namco is still bringing games (just not ones we'd prefer) at least in Japan, so... in my opinion, when it comes to extremes like this, we should be careful about how far we should take them.

No matter the company, If they create a really cool looking game for any console I will ignore a bad track record for it. Smilie The only thing that irked me was the fact ubisoft actually said they were done with WiiU. I do wonder if that means the end of good 2d ubisoft games like rayman for nintendo consoles?

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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