Retro City Won't Rampage on Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.12.2014 2

Retro City Won

Retro City Rampage won't be heading to Wii U, developer VBlank has confirmed.

With a different architecture to the original Wii, the team would require significant development to bring Retro City Rampage to Nintendo's latest console - including putting together manuals, localisation, testing and all sorts.

Because it would be essentially identical to the WiiWare version, the studio don't have plans to bring the game to Wii U.

In addition, sales numbers for the Wii version haven't made any revenue due to the previous threshold requirement - accounting for just 1% of the game's multiplatform sales.

Interestingly, the game was also in development for Nintendo DS.

Would you like to see Retro City Rampage on the Wii U eShop?

Box art for Retro City Rampage DX








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A shame really.

It was never going to sell well on WiiWare, especially with it coming out on more accessible platforms. Saying that, I think they would make a profit if they were to release a WiiU version as it's the sort of game that would be popular on Miiverse. The translation is all done, it would just be all about porting it and testing it etc.

Its perfectly understandable when its the same game, alot of extra work just to play it on a system you can already play it on. The real issue is the Wii stuff should be integrated more into the wii u menu rather than in its own separate emulated menu.

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