How the Music Comes Together in Mario Maker

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.12.2014 4

How the Music Comes Together in Mario Maker on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Koji Kondo being the sound director and main composer for Mario Maker, how will the music come together?

In an interview, Kondo noted how there'll be different music in the game's two modes - creation and playthrough, and one of the goals was "the seamless transition of music between those two modes." Kondo wants to ensure that "the music sounds fresh and new so the players never get tired of hearing it," by experimenting with different elements of the tracks.

He revealed that even the sound effects that are heard when placing tiles are "pitched to match the music playing at that time," changing depending on the song being played.

With music on the mind, will Mario Maker also have a music creator? Quite simply, "no. The sound editor is not designed to allow players to create their own original music, simply because this is a game about creating Mario levels to play through, not a music creator."

What do you think of the musical effects in Mario Maker?

Box art for Super Mario Maker





2D Platformer



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Sad there is no Music Maker... ;( That is a feature that would be dear to me.. ;/

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Andre Eriksson said:
Sad there is no Music Maker... ;( That is a feature that would be dear to me.. ;/

Defo - same for me too - lost opportunity, though am sure Nintendo will probably build a proper music maker (not WIi Music)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Andre Eriksson said:
Sad there is no Music Maker... ;( That is a feature that would be dear to me.. ;/

Defo - same for me too - lost opportunity, though am sure Nintendo will probably build a proper music maker (not WIi Music)

Didn't Mario Paint have an atleast for its time decent/soso music maker? But yeah :/ Would be really cool...

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

As long as there is an extensive library of songs i can pick and choose to my created level then that would be awesome. Imagine if you could put a Mario Galaxy track to starry level of SMW?

Or Mario 64 Bowser levels to fire stages in SMW as well.

Sadly, i don't see these types of options coming, especially from 3D Mario games but one can always hope!

If Nintendo were really good then they should let you play music from an SD card (as Excitetruck did)

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