Etrian Mystery Dungeon Confirmed for the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2014 1

Etrian Mystery Dungeon Confirmed for the US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Publisher Atlus has confirmed a localised release for Etrian Odyssey and The Mystery Dungeon in North America next March.

To go under the title Etrian Mystery Dungeon, the game brings together the mechanics of Mystery Dungeon - in randomised levels and a third person perspective - with the party customisation features for Etrian Odyssey.

The action/rougelike RPG will feature action/turn based combat, with elements of strategy in place to get noggins rolling. There'll be random, infinite dungeons to explore, plus up to 10 different class types later on in the game.

Image for Etrian Mystery Dungeon Confirmed for the US
Image for Etrian Mystery Dungeon Confirmed for the US

Will you pick up a copy of Etrian Mystery Dungeon next March?

Box art for Etrian Mystery Dungeon



NIS America


Real Time RPG



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IF I WILL? If it comes to Europe so to speak....

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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