UCraft Turns Shooter in Exciting New Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2014 1

UCraft Turns Shooter in Exciting New Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nexis Games have posted a striking new trailer of upcoming indie sandbox game, UCraft.

The project aims to deliver a new open world to explore, with players able to forge their own adventures, create new textures and, as the title suggests, craft their own world. The new trailer reveals more details on the recently announced "Powerpack" called CraftyKart, in addition to a first person shooter pack called Rise to Honour.

The game will also support up to 16 player online play.


What do you think of the UCraft concept so far?

Box art for U Craft








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Our member of the week

I just hope for them that forking in too many directions isn't going to lead the game to "do many things average but none excellent". If they manage to deliver on all those promises of greatness, then that will be awesome, I wish them all the best of luck. Careful though, cause not delivering after you announce can only result in more bitter disappointment and online hate.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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