Aonuma on The Legend Zelda Wii U Art Style

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.12.2014 4

Aonuma on The Legend Zelda Wii U Art Style on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma recently discussed the art style for the upcoming Wii U adventure.

The currently untitled Wii U outing brings a new visual quality to the series, a bright and bustling art-style from what has been shown so far. Speaking to Japanese magazine Famitsu, Aonuma noted how he seeked to find "various ways to make the graphical style fit the vast new Zelda world; imitating the real world attached an important feeling of realism."

He wanted to make the Wii U project look fairly different from past titles, and "this was done by drawing inspiration from Japanese animations."

Nintendo are expected to show more details on The Legend of Zelda for Wii U during E3 next year.

What do you think of the artwork for the game so far?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild





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The wind in the grass, shadows, and the actual fight sequence are very reminiscent of Princess Mononoke. I can't wait to see the rest of the game.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I hope it's runs fluidly.

Indeed, smoothness and full of life trumps detail.
I trust them though, Nintendo typically prioritises smoothness on their games (even with a less powerfull system the WiiU has more 60fps solid titles then Ps4/one). 
The Zelda games have been adding insects and "random flying bits" to the games for a long time too. I expect this will feel quite full of life.

" different from past titles, and "this was done by drawing inspiration from Japanese animations.""

As if no one noticed that Ghibli inspiration running over Twilight Princess Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Gonna be a long wait till E3. >.<

Even longer till this is actually released!! Smilie

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