Jacob4000 said:
Nintendo should at least consider the iOS/Android route for their older backlog. I fully understand them wanting to keep their latest releases on their current hardware, but I also feel them slowly losing relevancy in the public eye. People are starting to leave Nintendo behind.Put Pokemon Red on the App store though? Or Smash Bros 64? You'll see people playing it everywhere on their phones, which may lead them back to buying Nintendo hardware to play the latest games. Sort of remind them why they loved Nintendo so much growing up.
I know for a lot of Nintendo fans this sort of thinking is radical, but I think Nintendo needs to be a little radical to prevent them from falling out completely. I fear Nintendo is becoming more and more like Blackberry every day.
This is exactly my line of thinking.
Regardless of whether the above patent has any relevance at all to Nintendo actually thinking about emulation, I think it's definitely something they can consider without actually having any negative connotations.
You tap into an entirely different and huge market and sell classic games that aren't in any way impacting current game development. Want more? Come buy a Nintendo 3DS or Wii U and experience bigger and better Nintendo games - old and new. It's true it not only can reach people that never play consoles or Nintendo, but also reaches people who have since stopped playing Nintendo or consoles in general.
I don't see the bad at all. It's not going to impact current Nintendo players in any way. Those fans still get their Nintendo consoles and games. Nintendo expands its games and its brand to a new audience, and gets more money.
Perhaps the idea to some fans of playing Nintendo games on non-Nintendo hardware is outrageous and blasphemous, but I can only see tapping into this market with classic games as a positive thing, and still allows Nintendo to keep making hardware and great games.
And hell, failing emulation for mobiles/PCs, the games on trains/planes idea is brilliant. Definitely pursue that, Nintendo.