How Watch_Dogs Compares to Other Versions

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.11.2014 7

How Watch_Dogs Compares to Other Versions on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A Digital Foundry report has dug deep into the Wii U version of the open-world adventure Watch_Dogs.

The game finally hit the Wii U shelves after a six month delay to ensure it ran smoothly on Nintendo's home console. The report, which compared the Wii U version to the other editions, noted how "performance is a genuine issue" and now the touch-screen/GamePad aspect of the game is "under-utilised."

It seems that even the aging PlayStation 3 edition fares better during cut-scenes, with framerates dropping during the more complex physics-driven gameplay, highlighting how "much the Wii U's processor is bottlenecked when faced with too many AI and physics-based simulations."



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Box art for Watch Dogs

Ubisoft Bucharest







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with framerates dropping during the more complex physics-driven gameplay, highlighting how "much the Wii U's processor is bottlenecked when faced with too many AI and physics-based simulations."

That "complex physics-driven gameplay" seems to just be simple stuff like walking around and driving cars - things other games deal with without issue.

Sounds like an issue of poor programming rather than because of hardware limitations. 

kingdom (guest) 27.11.2014#2

These digital foundry troll are jokers but I do expect a higher standard of rhetoric in my ideology. They barely bother to hide the spin in their agenda. Its almost like they don't mind that their motive is transparent. For a technical article this is poor. It is poverty of honesty and integrity. Technical is technical. It is nothing other than technical and it cannot even understand agenda let alone follow it.

The whole thing is so cyclical because you then get ill informed people saying "please just read some df articles guy, then you'd understand." As if I could change my name to john and that way prove that that was my name.

My mind is pickled. I pickled it. So I'll just say: what an open goal that has lined up in front of Nintendo. Ea, ubi and acti all throwing their toys out of the pram over micro transactions. Given the morally wonky nature of their output Nintendo must be rubbing their hands with glee at the total self destruction of the competition: the western gaming scene as it simultaneously attempts to steal children's candy while dry humping the NRA and flinging shit at mosques and hookers in a desperate attempt to catch some attention.

History is made to be revised and that revision will be kind to Nintendo.

Take a leaf out of Nintendo's book and keep it to yourself. I can't wait to read about it. About the salty tears of the money men and their creative bankruptcy. Its another gamecube guys, enjoy it. You were there. Later liars will claim they were too but its not time for that yet and besides that's not the point. Its about the games not the adverts and I don't need to tell you guys anything really. I'm sorry I just like writing stuff on the internet I'll go now.

Oh boy, this is the Game Cube all over again. While the haters hate the gamers game. And they game very good stuff on the Wii U. Games like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Bayonetta 2.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.
kingdom (guest) 27.11.2014#4

Monster. Hunter.

kingdom (guest) said:
These digital foundry troll are jokers but I do expect a higher standard of rhetoric in my ideology. They barely bother to hide the spin in their agenda. Its almost like they don't mind that their motive is transparent. For a technical article this is poor. It is poverty of honesty and integrity. Technical is technical. It is nothing other than technical and it cannot even understand agenda let alone follow it.

The whole thing is so cyclical because you then get ill informed people saying "please just read some df articles guy, then you'd understand." As if I could change my name to john and that way prove that that was my name.

My mind is pickled. I pickled it. So I'll just say: what an open goal that has lined up in front of Nintendo. Ea, ubi and acti all throwing their toys out of the pram over micro transactions. Given the morally wonky nature of their output Nintendo must be rubbing their hands with glee at the total self destruction of the competition: the western gaming scene as it simultaneously attempts to steal children's candy while dry humping the NRA and flinging shit at mosques and hookers in a desperate attempt to catch some attention.

History is made to be revised and that revision will be kind to Nintendo.

Take a leaf out of Nintendo's book and keep it to yourself. I can't wait to read about it. About the salty tears of the money men and their creative bankruptcy. Its another gamecube guys, enjoy it. You were there. Later liars will claim they were too but its not time for that yet and besides that's not the point. Its about the games not the adverts and I don't need to tell you guys anything really. I'm sorry I just like writing stuff on the internet I'll go now.

This is kind of hilariously over the top. Relax, bud!

Are you refuting what's written in the article, or upset that Digital Foundry is pointing out weaknesses in this game's presentation (ie doing their job)? Did Ubi and Digital Foundry conspire on this to further besmirch Nintendo's good name? I'm seeing a lot of rage, but I really don't understand where it's coming from or where it's going.

At any rate, I think most of us knew when it was delayed that this title clearly wasn't a priority for Ubisoft. These results aren't surprising. In the end, if you're looking for the highest quality work on Wii U, sticking to Nintendo is probably the best bet.


not even once.

Digital Foundry riiiight.....because those guys are SOOOOO trust worthy after their false report on Bayonetta 2's frame rate.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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