Atlus Announces Two New Etrian Odyssey Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.11.2014 2

Atlus Announces Two New Etrian Odyssey Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a live-stream event today, publisher Atlus announced two new Etrian Odyssey projects.

The first, Etrian Odyssey and Mystery Dungeon, is as the title suggests, a combination of two popular franchises - Atlus' own Etrian Odyssey with the Mystery Dungeon franchise from Spike Chunsoft. No gameplay details were given, apart from a striking teaser trailer. The game will be available for Nintendo 3DS from 5th March 2015.



Atlus also announced development of Etrian Odyssey V, again with just a teaser trailer and no additional details - including what platform(s) the project will launch on.


What do you think of these two new Etrian Odyssey games?

Box art for Etrian Mystery Dungeon



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FANGASM!!!!! O.O I can not wait. This is like christmas!

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I still haven't finished Millenium Girl (just got busy with other games) but the short time I've spent with it has been incredibly fun. I hope they bring these to the West; can't wait to finish Millenium Girl and try my hand at Untold II, the other games, and even Persona Q.

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