Mewtwo Will Be Available to Purchase Separately Later On in SSB

By Az Elias 20.11.2014 6

Mewtwo Will Be Available to Purchase Separately Later On in SSB on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mewtwo is being added to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS as add-on content, and will be free for all buyers of both versions of the game.

Nintendo has today confirmed that the Pokémon fighter will eventually be available for all users to purchase as add-on content for a price. No details on exact dates were announced.

Full details on acquiring the character for owners of both games are below:

Promotion participants who qualify between 23:00 (UK time) on January 20th and 22:59 (UK time) on March 31st 2015 will be able to add the powerful character Mewtwo to their game by claiming two free download codes - one for Wii U, one for Nintendo 3DS. The free download codes for Mewtwo will be distributed in spring 2015. The character will be made available to purchase as add-on content in the future.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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And Sakurai was hesistant about paid DLC...

The "you could get it free for some time" approach is, imo, good - and perhaps they would consider if for additional character packs - though the development cost involved with that would be sensible to charge from the offset.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Free with Mewtwo amiibo will likely be an option

Or Nintendo UK cocking up again? "Here's your multi use GameCube controller.....NOT!"

smashfan (guest) 21.11.2014#4

DLC characters due spring methinks. It makes zero business sense to have a development team working on mewtwo and mewtwo alone. Whatever Sakurai claims

I'm ok with that, so long as they're not clones. You want people to pay for development time. Not pressing ctrl C, ctrl V

Glad to see him back, I was so disappointed when that unoriginal Lucario took his place. I hope they have his armor from the Pokemon Movie as an alt costume!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I'm thinking it makes pure sense for a Splatoon character and maybe even captain toad to be put in with amiibo support! But who knows!

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