Fan Rebuilds Mario Kart 8 DLC Track in F-Zero X

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.11.2014 8

Fan Rebuilds Mario Kart 8 DLC Track in F-Zero X on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A fan has brought the new Mario Kart 8 DLC track into the classic F-Zero X system.

The F-Zero X Expansion Kit, which was released in Japan as an add-on disk for the ill-fate Nintendo 64 DD console, included a track creator and the option to create custom cups. Player were able to determine the basic layout, in addition to being able to add curves/hills, slip zones, half pipes and more.

Curious about how the F-Zero themed track in Mario Kart 8 would handle with F-Zero physics, one YouTuber decided to put together a custom track inspired by the Wii U version.


Do you think Nintendo should bring F-Zero back the console landscape with a new version for Wii U?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Guest 20.11.2014#1

yes bring f-zero to wii u nintendo and NOT 3ds please! oh and screw starfox I want f-zero more but nope nintendo fans are satisfied with JUST starfox considering people hate f-zero! Smilie

Brando67854321 said:
yes bring f-zero to wii u nintendo and NOT 3ds please! oh and screw starfox I want f-zero more but nope nintendo fans are satisfied with JUST starfox considering people hate f-zero! Smilie

i wouldn't say people hate Fzero, but I think Nintendo fans are taking what they can get. I wasn't expecting a Starfox to be honest so hopefully one day Nintendo could also surprise us with an Fzero. However it's inclusion in Mario Kart worries me that Nintendo think this is all they can do and get away with it. 

Its a nice addition but it doesn't quite make up for the lack of a console Fzero in 10 years! 

They really could give GX a lick of HD and release that with an online component. Meh, it's been said a 1000 times before anyway.

Also, that is one epic Fzero racer in that video, that shiiiit is fast! What's more annoying is that the 64DD expansion pak is all in English?

( Edited 20.11.2014 13:16 by Flynnie )

Guest 20.11.2014#3

Flynnie said:
Brando67854321 said:
yes bring f-zero to wii u nintendo and NOT 3ds please! oh and screw starfox I want f-zero more but nope nintendo fans are satisfied with JUST starfox considering people hate f-zero! Smilie

i wouldn't say people hate Fzero, but I think Nintendo fans are taking what they can get. I wasn't expecting a Starfox to be honest so hopefully one day Nintendo could also surprise us with an Fzero. However it's inclusion in Mario Kart worries me that Nintendo think this is all they can do and get away with it. 

Its a nice addition but it doesn't quite make up for the lack of a console Fzero in 10 years! 

They really could give GX a lick of HD and release that with an online component. Meh, it's been said a 1000 times before anyway.

Also, that is one epic Fzero racer in that video, that shiiiit is fast! What's more annoying is that the 64DD expansion pak is all in English?

well in that case I'd like to see f-zero GX HD & see the f-zero X expansion kit on the wii u's vc alongside f-zero x (well we need N64 games on the wii u vc first though.Smilie)

Whilst I do appreciate Nintendo insisting on always bringing something new to the table, they can really do wonders with a straight up F-Zero sequel - bring a track editor, super-sweet HD graphics and more to the table. None of this enforced GamePad bollocks.

The controller could be used for a track editor, though, and maybe a rear-view mirror. Keep it simple!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

To be honest it's a lame excuse for a lack of resources. Nintendo simply don't have the team/manpower to oversee the project. They are more and more turning to 3rd party devs to develop their games. This is no problem for me, give it back to Sega and Namco and we'd be happy. Or stop making flaming Kirby and Yoshi games. I'm sure at least one Fzero would outsell a kirby or Yoshi game.

( Edited 21.11.2014 12:18 by Flynnie )

Guest 21.11.2014#6

Flynnie said:
To be honest it's a lame excuse for a lack of resources. Nintendo simply don't have the team/manpower to oversee the project. They are more and more turning to 3rd party devs to develop their games. This is no problem for me, give it back to Sega and Namco and we'd be happy. Or stop making flaming Kirby and Yoshi games. I'm sure at least one Fzero would outsell a kirby or Yoshi game.
I wouldn't be. Considering SEGA lost their touch making 4 bad sonic games in a row on nintendo systems(generations 3ds, lost world, Mario & sonic sochi winter games, and sonic boom AND namco & nintendo are on bad terms with wii u support DESPITE NAMCO MAKING SMASH BROS. Really? how does soul calibur 2 get on the gcn but it's remake does NOT hit wii u!? ARGH!!! >=(

( Edited 21.11.2014 21:15 by Brando67854321 )

I never thought about the Soul Calibur remake. I'm not too bothered about that so much anyway. The GC version is still good enough for me. Perhaps Namco saw themselves not supporting Nintendo with SC2 because they already had a team of people working on two smash bros games.

I'm hoping for the smash bros project to perhaps bring the teams closer together for another project...most likely to be another Pacman VS game or R:Racer! #RiiiiiiiidgeRaaaaaaceeeerrr

Guest 23.11.2014#8

Flynnie said:
I never thought about the Soul Calibur remake. I'm not too bothered about that so much anyway. The GC version is still good enough for me. Perhaps Namco saw themselves not supporting Nintendo with SC2 because they already had a team of people working on two smash bros games.

I'm hoping for the smash bros project to perhaps bring the teams closer together for another project...most likely to be another Pacman VS game or R:Racer! #RiiiiiiiidgeRaaaaaaceeeerrr

THAT'S BS dude they canceled pacman museum on nintendo systems when that game was JUST A BUCH OF PORTS and even if it did poorly it would make more damn money than scrapping them entirely! or how about the way they handled project cars on wii u? hmm? seriously how the hell did the stupid ass gamecube get SC2 but not wii u?! GEE I DIDN'T KNOW THE GCN WAS MORE WORHTY OF GETTING SC2 BUT NOT WII U! why would they cancel pacman museum on wii u and 3ds WHEN IT WAS JUST A BUNCH OF PORTS OF OLD GAMES!? project cars wii u is ruined because it comes out at a later date even though out of the 3 console versions it's been in development the longest! plus they confirmed the tales series will never EVER come to wii u! all this crap from bandai just proves that they have bad blood with nintendo even when working on smash bros. WHAT THE HELL BANDAI WE OFFERED YOU TO WORK ON SMASH BROS WII U/3DS WHERES OUR THANK YOU!?

( Edited 23.11.2014 18:07 by Brando67854321 )

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