Cubic Ninja is the Key to 3DS Homebrew

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.11.2014 10

Cubic Ninja is the Key to 3DS Homebrew on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft's 3DS platformer Cubic Ninja is the key to unlocking homebrew support for Nintendo's handheld.

GBATemp, the community behind various homebrew efforts, announced this week that homebrew code is now running on the 3DS via the 2011 Ubisoft release.

Coder Smealum confirmed that the exploitable game is Cubic Ninja, with players able to run the code via the download edition (Japanese eShop only) or the physical release (required for North American / European 3DS consoles).

Image for Cubic Ninja is the Key to 3DS Homebrew

Since the news broke, the once obscure and critically panned release is now making headlines and current owners rather wealthy - auction prices have jumped considerably.

Full details on the exploit are due to be made public over the coming weekend.

Do you own a copy of Cubic Ninja for Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Cubic Ninja








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It's entered the Amazon UK Top 100 for the first ever time: Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

"Buy a used copy of Cubic Ninja (Nintendo 3DS) for just £64.95."

This is insane. I love it.

Going for £100 on eBay!!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

And, as expected, Nintendo tries to c-c-combo break: game has been removed from the Japanese eShop, and pulled out of EB Games listings/shelves in Australia.

Seems like feeding super scummy retailers/ebayers is the only way to go, now. :/

( Edited 19.11.2014 11:13 by Galdelico )

Our member of the week

Haha, wouldn't it be fun if on November 22nd he guys over there go and say "FOOLED YOU ^^ !!! The game in question wasn't Cubic Ninja hehehe trollolololol !!!" and then all these people who bought it at a premium are left with a mediocre game on their hands Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I hope this isnt patched quickly.

I assume also people once patched dont need the game - so like PassKeys, they can be handed around after use. (hence the value goes down again).

Anyway great thing about this is its JUST homebrew apps, it doesn't run commercial. So thats less time persuading people that cracking the console isn't just for piracy. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It's been stated that the game would need to be kept and used every time the Homebrew needs to be accessed.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Adam Riley said:
It's been stated that the game would need to be kept and used every time the Homebrew needs to be accessed.

Might not be permanently the case. That's how it all got started on Wii too, with the Twilight Hack, you'd need to use the Zelda disc EACH TIME at first.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Adam Riley said:
It's been stated that the game would need to be kept and used every time the Homebrew needs to be accessed.

Might not be permanently the case. That's how it all got started on Wii too, with the Twilight Hack, you'd need to use the Zelda disc EACH TIME at first.

I believe this one is actually based more on Brawl's "Smash Stack" hack, which requires the game to be running as it uses the Stage Builder. I imagine it's much the same for Cubic Ninja.

Adam Riley said:
It's been stated that the game would need to be kept and used every time the Homebrew needs to be accessed.

But I am quite supprised. Normally once you replace firmware theres no need to keep anything.
(with the "lack of piracy" likely being the encryption on the game carts themselves isn't cracked) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

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