How Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Compares to the N64 Original

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.11.2014 6

How Zelda: Majora

Wondering how The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D compares to the original? Fans have placed the games side by side.

Redditor KeatonKafei has taken moments from the debut trailer and from the original Nintendo 64 outing, highlighting how the textures, character models and lighting has changed years later. More comparison screens can be seen in the Imgur gallery.

Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora

Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora
Image for How Zelda: Majora

YouTuber Ninten2 has also brewed up a comparision, in video form, highlighing the changes in motion:



What do you think of the visual style of the 3DS version of Majora's Mask?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





Action Adventure



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It's looking great! Good job Nintendo! Hopefully they have sorted out the save feature function. Warping to Owls was annoying!

It's interesting how certain things get re-interpreted between versions, like the inner workings of the clock tower, or how the gravestones just looked like three indentations on the N64, but they resemble a Redead on the 3DS. I'm so excited to play this!

NNID: crackedthesky
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Flynnie said:
It's looking great! Good job Nintendo! Hopefully they have sorted out the save feature function. Warping to Owls was annoying!

It was, but I suppose was part of the charm of the game!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

My guess for how they'll handle saves is that you can quicksave anywhere without having to use the owl statues, but to permanently save you still have to rewind time. Far more convenient - especially for a handheld version - without taking away from the theme of the game.

I still reckon a design a mask/mii mask feature will happen plus amiibo mask feature as well! I'm hoping for a changed save feature, it annoyed me having to warp to places. It's ok on a console I guess but on a handheld it's not so practical if you are on the go.

in terms of visuals I would be happy with the n64 game ported but this looks even better so everybody is "Charlie sheening!"

Undecided. Need to play to know. One thing that annoys me however is that the patterns on the sixth picture is more "outside" the wall in form of rocks than an actual part of the pattern and that some things are way to colourful. This is a melancholic game, it should not be too colourful.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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