Mario Kart 8 Site Leaks amiibo Details, Captain Falcon, Fox and Samus Support

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2014 4

Mario Kart 8 Site Leaks amiibo Details, Captain Falcon, Fox and Samus Support on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The official Mario Kart 8 website has posted new details how amiibo figures will be integrated into the game.

A page on the website, which has since been removed, included details on various characters that can be integrated into Mario Kart 8 using amiibo figures. However, these iconic Nintendo characters won't be racers, but will act as outfits for Mii racers. For example, plop a Captain Falcon or Samus figure onto the GamePad and a racing suit would become available.

According to the leak, amiibo support includes: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, Donkey Kong, Link, Kirby, Captain Falcon, Samus, Fox McCloud.

Nintendo have yet to discuss the news, but expect more news after the upcoming Nintendo Direct presentation.

What do you think of the way amiibo could be integrated into Mario Kart 8?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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I don't want crappy costumes, I'd want Super Smash Kart if they were going to go down this route! 

Flynnie said:
I don't want crappy costumes, I'd want Super Smash Kart if they were going to go down this route! 

And then some people would complain and go" Waaaaah, I don't want to have to buy Amiibo to get all the characters!"

Though I agree, I would much rather it unlock characters in the game and it would actually give me more reason to buy Amiibo's.

I definitely wouldn't like them to make unlockable characters with £10 toys. The DLC packs they've done are much better value for money.

I guess the argument is that it'd eventually balance itself out as amiibo are compatible with many games, and stuff. I've no interest in them though, so it'd be like paying £10 per new character if they did unlock actual characters in MK8.

Yea it would be £10 per character but then at least they do other things in other games although yea you are right, it's a lot better deal for the 2 packs at £11! 

I just cant can't see much point in amiibo at the moment...maybe I'm just too old to understand it...

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