Old Bloke Targets Aliens in Wii U Lawn Shooter Get of my Lawn

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2014

Old Bloke Targets Aliens in Wii U Lawn Shooter Get of my Lawn on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Digital Leisure are developing a unique shooter, featuring an old bloke and a shotgun - Get of my Lawn.

There's something quite sacred about a front lawn, and that's no exception for a 78 year old pensioner known as Murray Mendelson. After an alien comes in peace, he decides to blast it to pieces and so starts an interstellar war. It's down to players to, as the title suggests, keep aliens off the lawn.

The game will be release on multiple platforms - PS Vita, Steam, AppStore, Google Play and Windows Store on 11th November, with a Wii U eShop release this winter.


What do you think of the Get of my Lawn concept?

Box art for Get Off My Lawn!

Digital Leisure


Digital Leisure





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