de Blob Acquired by Nordic Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.11.2014 15

de Blob Acquired by Nordic Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Bring on the paint splats as Nordic Games has acquired the rights to the de Blob franchise from THQ.

The publisher feels that the IP, which had two releases, is a "great and truly unique franchise", with the chance to "evaluate opportunities with the existing games, as well as potential sequels." Nodic have yet to confirm what it plans to do with the de Blob franchise, however.

Would you like to see more de Blob action and/or remakes of the past titles?

Box art for de Blob

Blue Tongue







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Q1 2008   North America release date Q1 2008   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Q1 2008   

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Our member of the week

I thoroughly enjoyed both games on the Wii. Not the most memorable games out there, but if they use the IP right, sure, why not?

Bring back the same music composer on board though, because a lot of the appeal of the first two came from the soundtrack.

( Edited 01.11.2014 13:28 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Guest 01.11.2014#2

@RudyC3 too bad nordic games said no to future wii u support after they brought darksiders 2 back to the EU wii u eshop. so we won't see the new deblob on wii u, EVER! don't believe me?
"We are carefully watching the WiiU situation, but for now we don't have any more plans about titles other than whats available."-nordic games damn shame nordic damn shame and no reason too. Smilie

( Edited 02.11.2014 00:42 by Brando67854321 )

Never played #2, but I really enjoyed the first game on Wii.

Brando67854321 said:
@RudyC3 too bad nordic games said no to future wii u support after they brought darksiders 2 back to the EU wii u eshop. so we won't see the new deblob on wii u, EVER! don't believe me?
"We are carefully watching the WiiU situation, but for now we don't have any more plans about titles other than whats available."-nordic games damn shame nordic damn shame asnd no reason too. Smilie

Nordic hardly said they would never support Wii U ever again (was that sarcasm?)
This type of game is perfect for Nintendo systems. Also, if you look at their upcoming games they only have a couple PC games in development so there aren't plans at the moment to support Xbox or Playstation either.

( Edited 01.11.2014 21:18 by Sonic_13 )

Guest 02.11.2014#4

Sonic_13 said:
Never played #2, but I really enjoyed the first game on Wii.
Nordic hardly said they would never support Wii U ever again (was that sarcasm?)
This type of game is perfect for Nintendo systems. Also, if you look at their upcoming games they only have a couple PC games in development so there aren't plans at the moment to support Xbox or Playstation either.
perfect for nintendo systems? just like castle of illusion HD by sega & legend of korra by platinum? oh wait they both skipped wii u for no reason.

Our member of the week

I believe you Brando, no worries there mate Smilie.

Yeah, that's unfortunate, very sad indeed. I was more talking in general though, whatever platform they end up bringing De Blob back to in the end, if any at all (Hey! There's always the 3DS and come to think of it, either of the first two games would look great in full 3D !)

Brando67854321 said:
just like castle of illusion HD by sega & legend of korra by platinum? oh wait they both skipped wii u for no reason.

I played Castle of Illusion on my Android console (with built in sticks ad buttons). It played incredibly on that thing and was a beautiful game (I found everything in it too, had loads of fun trying to find everything). A real shame that it never landed on Wii U :'(

( Edited 02.11.2014 00:54 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Guest 02.11.2014#6

RudyC3 said:
I believe you Brando, no worries there mate Smilie.

Yeah, that's unfortunate, very sad indeed. I was more talking in general though, whatever platform they end up bringing De Blob back to in the end, if any at all (Hey! There's always the 3DS and come to think of it, either of the first two games would look great in full 3D !)

Brando67854321 said:
just like castle of illusion HD by sega & legend of korra by platinum? oh wait they both skipped wii u for no reason.

I played Castle of Illusion on my Android console (with built in sticks ad buttons). It played incredibly on that thing and was a beautiful game (I found everything in it too, had loads of fun trying to find everything). A real shame that it never landed on Wii U :'(

I STILL find the lack of castle of illusion HD on wii u baffling to because IT'S A DISNEY GAME FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! a disney game skipping a nintendo console? SEGA, you have GOT to be kidding me!! GEE I DIDN'T KNOW DISNEY GAMES ARE NOT FOR NINTENDO'S AUDIENCE! Smilie >=(

( Edited 02.11.2014 01:32 by Brando67854321 )

Brando67854321 said:
perfect for nintendo systems?


Brando67854321 said:
just like castle of illusion HD by sega & legend of korra by platinum?

They would have been great on Nintendo systems as well. It is unfortunate their respective developers chose not to bring them to Wii U. But the decision of those developers is hardly proof that Nordic will never ever bring a game like de Blob to Wii U.

( Edited 02.11.2014 08:13 by Sonic_13 )

I'm surprised it's taken the administrators this long to shift a THQ IP. Maybe Nordic were able to get this on the cheap. I wonder what else THQ have lying around that hadn't been acquired yet.

Flynnie said:
I'm surprised it's taken the administrators this long to shift a THQ IP. Maybe Nordic were able to get this on the cheap. I wonder what else THQ have lying around that hadn't been acquired yet.

Hmm. It is surprising to hear an IP like this sitting around for so long (and who was it actually acquired from after all this time?).

That would be interesting to look into what else from THQ, if anything, is still out there.

( Edited 02.11.2014 08:23 by Sonic_13 )

So according to the law of all that's true and reliable on the internet (Wikipedia), Nordic games won the auction to all of THQ remaining assets once all the other franchises had been bought. It's a sad sorry list of games in all honesty. Strangely it would have been interesting what would have happened if they had released South Park considering that it was quite successful earlier in the year. I wonder if Ubi had much to do with that success.

Nordic have also acquired the right to use the THQ name and franchise as well should they choose to do it. Bizarrely that only happened earlier this year...I wonder if we could ever see the return of the THQ name under a Nordic ownership. 

I dont really know why I care...I can only think of two situations where THQ were useful and that was on a handful of WWF games and publishing and distributing Conkers Bad Fur Day! Other than that they didn't really do anything else for me!

Guest 02.11.2014#11

Sonic_13 said:
Brando67854321 said:
perfect for nintendo systems?


Brando67854321 said:
just like castle of illusion HD by sega & legend of korra by platinum?

They would have been great on Nintendo systems as well. It is unfortunate their respective developers chose not to bring them to Wii U. But the decision of those developers is hardly proof that Nordic will never ever bring a game like de Blob to Wii U.

Well it won't happen because nordic said NO to future wii u support as said above END OF STORY! YOU just lost the argument because YOU are wrong. If wii u can't even get a disney game & a licenced game HOW DO YOU EXPECT WII U TO GET THE NEXT DEBLOB!?

( Edited 02.11.2014 16:30 by Brando67854321 )

Brando67854321 said:
Well it won't happen because nordic said NO to future wii u support as said above END OF STORY! YOU just lost the argument because YOU are wrong. If wii u can't even get a disney game & a licenced game HOW DO YOU EXPECT WII U TO GET THE NEXT DEBLOB!?

This will be my last comment about this

Plain and simple. Nordic never said they would not develop for Wii U ever in the future. If you have another source that says that, please share, but the quote and article you posted certainly never said that. In fact, it literally says they are watching Wii U which completely leaves open the possibility that they may develop for it in the future. Doesn't mean they ever will, but you can't state definitively that it won't happen or claim that they said it definitely won't happen.

( Edited 02.11.2014 19:36 by Sonic_13 )

Flynnie said:
So according to the law of all that's true and reliable on the internet (Wikipedia), Nordic games won the auction to all of THQ remaining assets once all the other franchises had been bought. It's a sad sorry list of games in all honesty. Strangely it would have been interesting what would have happened if they had released South Park considering that it was quite successful earlier in the year. I wonder if Ubi had much to do with that success.

Nordic have also acquired the right to use the THQ name and franchise as well should they choose to do it. Bizarrely that only happened earlier this year...I wonder if we could ever see the return of the THQ name under a Nordic ownership. 

I dont really know why I care...I can only think of two situations where THQ were useful and that was on a handful of WWF games and publishing and distributing Conkers Bad Fur Day! Other than that they didn't really do anything else for me!

Good post. I think it deserves a star Smilie

Personally, thinking about my collection I think the only THQ game I ever owned was an N64 Scooby-Doo game (while I loved de Blob, I never owned it).

THQ is probably one of the only large developer/publishers (who published on Nintendo platforms) that I never really owned any games from.

Guest 02.11.2014#14

Sonic_13 said:
Brando67854321 said:
Well it won't happen because nordic said NO to future wii u support as said above END OF STORY! YOU just lost the argument because YOU are wrong. If wii u can't even get a disney game & a licensed game HOW DO YOU EXPECT WII U TO GET THE NEXT DEBLOB!?

This will be my last comment about this

Plain and simple. Nordic never said they would not develop for Wii U ever in the future. If you have another source that says that, please share, but the quote and article you posted certainly never said that. In fact, it literally says they are watching Wii U which completely leaves open the possibility that they may develop for it in the future. Doesn't mean they ever will, but you can't state definitively that it won't happen.

"In fact, it literally says they are watching Wii U which completely leaves open the possibility that they may develop for it in the future." HA! DON'T YOU LISTEN?!? THEY ALREADY SAID NO GENIUS THE DAMN LINK VERY CLEARLY SAID NO!! NORDIC WILL NOT SUPPORT WII U! I HATE YOU! YOU SUCK, NOW GTFO! >=( WHERE'S MY BLOCK BUTTON!?

( Edited 02.11.2014 20:10 by Brando67854321 )

So there's nothing stopping it from coming out on the 3DS eShop one day then? 

Anyway , it sounds like Nordic got a good deal for getting 150 franchises for $4.9m but at the same time surely a poisoned chalice. I  can't imagine there are many blockbuster hits among them.

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