Nintendo Insisted on Link Cleavage in Bayonetta 2 Costumes

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.10.2014 3

Nintendo Insisted on Link Cleavage in Bayonetta 2 Costumes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A recent blog from developer Platinum Games outlines how Nintendo costumes were considered for the Wii U exclusive Bayonetta 2.

Instead of the usual outfit for the curvaceous protagonist, players can chose to use a variety of garb inspired by popular Nintendo characters - Link, Fox McCloud, Samus and Princess Peach.

Image for Nintendo Insisted on Link Cleavage in Bayonetta 2 Costumes
Image for Nintendo Insisted on Link Cleavage in Bayonetta 2 Costumes

The outfits used the standard Bayonetta design as a base, gradually weaving in more Nintendo elements into the final look - for example the Princess Peach outfit started off more Bayonetta-like that Nintendo. A re-colour was then used as the basis for Princess Daisy as well.

Image for Nintendo Insisted on Link Cleavage in Bayonetta 2 Costumes

The Platinum Games designer is a fan of mecha armour, and it came as no surprise that the team also included the Samus outfit, opting for the classic Power Suit instead of the Varia design.

Image for Nintendo Insisted on Link Cleavage in Bayonetta 2 Costumes

Finally, Link was designed closer to the original Nintendo artwork, and had taken a more reserved approach, however Nintendo insisted on showing more of her chest in the final design. Ganondorf would be chuffed at that decision!

Image for Nintendo Insisted on Link Cleavage in Bayonetta 2 Costumes

What do you think of the Nintendo costumes in Bayonetta 2?

Box art for Bayonetta 2








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I remember seeing this news on one of the developer videos & how Platinum was surprised when Nintendo said they could show more chest with the Link costume, but that they were glad for the encouragement. This is refreshing & shows that Nintendo CAN INDEED work side by side with devs & not be so restrictive...& it makes devs like Epic, EA, Capcom, Square, Konami & Bethesda seem all the more selfish & egotistical for NOT sharing with Nintendo!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Our member of the week

Well I guess in this case it makes sense in the context, for them to give them a little leeway with the character. Bayonetta is all about that in terms of design and I can't imagine the character looking to cover up more, quite the contrary. So it's not in Nintendo's best interest to attract the consumer to prevent Platinum from uncovering her a little, even in Nintendo character costumes.

While in other instances, where it wouldn't make sense franchise-wise, where they lend their characters and costumes, they would be more restrictive. It has to make sense "commercially", and "franchise-wise".

Now, every time Nintendo has been working in partnership and funding development of a game, they have always being working closely with them, and for good reason... they don't want their money to be ill-spent, and that's a very sensible behaviour for them to be nosy in such cases, and give their input. We've seen that with games like Project Zero and The Last Story in recent years (though for the latter I don't know how deeply financially involved with the project they were). You don't want to fund the development of a game only to stay outside of it and see the money gone to waste, and they're treating their third party partners not unlike in-house studios in that regard and that's very fine in my humble opinion.

At least it makes situations like Aliens Colonial Marines something impossible to happen Smilie !! Sega paying Gearbox for development of the game and Gearbox putting the money and resources in Borderlands? Maybe if Sega had watched more closely the development like Nintendo does with their investments, that wouldn't have happened (and before Sega fans swarm me and stone me for saying so, let me clarify that I did not put to shame their legacy of games, just their handling of external investments Smilie ).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Lovely Warrior of Friendship (guest) 14.12.2014#3

Nintendo messed up here.
They betrayed the forces of love and innocence.
My lovely sword of justice shall smite them!

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