Ridley to make Super Smash Bros. Appearance

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.10.2014 5

Ridley to make Super Smash Bros. Appearance on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During the Nintendo Direct presentation today, the company confirmed the appearance of Ridley in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

The beast, a popular antagonist in the Metroid series, has been a firm favourite amongst fans to receive inclusion in the Nintendo fighter. Their wish will be partially confirmed as Ridley won't be a playable character, but will instead be found in the Pyrosphere stage.

He'll initially cause trouble for players, but if one player attacks Ridley enough, he'll join that fighter's side and battle rivals. If the flying beast consumes enough energy, he'll transform into the devious Meta Ridley and be even more vicious.

However, Ridley can be knocked-out to earn a point towards the match's result.

Should Ridley have been a playable character in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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He's closer than ever...although I think this is as close as we'll ever get. The only way I can see Ridley or any other boss being playable in in some kind of handicap mode where one player is the boss and has a 3 v 1 situation. Otherwise Ridley would just destroy everyone!

they made bowser work, they can make ridley work.

I was also a believer. Just shrink him down, who cares! But it's good to see he's more than a simple stage hazard.

Insanoflex said:
they made bowser work, they can make ridley work.

Very good point...I actually never thought about that before!

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