Rumour: Web Based eShop Redemption Incoming?

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2014 1

Rumour: Web Based eShop Redemption Incoming? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Eagled-eyed web sleuths have spotted what appears to be a browser-based means of redeeming eShop codes.

Spotted in recent weeks, the Nintendo Network eShop page, at time of writing, allows members in some regions to redeem an eShop code through their web browser - whether sitting at a desktop or on a mobile device.

The shop appears to also trigger the game/software to download on the linked console automatically, presumably if sleep-enabled downloads are active.

Nintendo have yet to comment on the service, and it appears that it currently is in testing/development.

Image for Rumour: Web Based eShop Redemption Incoming?

Should Nintendo allow for web-based eShop purchases?

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Yes and a gift buying/delivering option would be well welcomed.

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