Nintendo Misses Google Images in New 3DS Censor

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.10.2014 3

Nintendo Misses Google Images in New 3DS Censor on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It seems that Nintendo's built-in filters for the New Nintendo 3DS don't quite block all adult content.

The upgraded hardware includes an option, by default, that restricts access to questionable and adult websites through the built-in browser. In order to gain access, owners will need to verify ownership of a credit card with a small charge (30 Yen/$0.29/17p) to look at the darker corners of the world wide web.

Websites searched through Google are, as expected, blocked with a warning message. However, it appears that Google Images isn't blocked (as shown in the censored image below).

Image for Nintendo Misses Google Images in New 3DS Censor

Do you think Nintendo should enable content filtering by default on the New Nintendo 3DS models?

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Content filtering is essentially a impossible task anyway. The UK government rushed though a national filtering using some of the same software that china uses - vastly more resources at their disposal yet it still has plenty of false positives and things that should be blocked not.

Nintendo shouldn't even pretend to take responsibility for it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I'm an adult, I don't live in a communist country...I want freedom of speech and I want an uncensored internet...Nintendo stop treating all of us like children!

I think it's a good option to have. And having it as the default option isn't a weird choice, as it's mostly a machine aimed at children.
They'll probably fix the above mentioned mistake soon.

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