Smash Bros 3DS Missing Modes?

By David Lovato 11.10.2014 4

Smash Bros 3DS Missing Modes? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Dedicated fans have rooted around in the files for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and found some interesting unused sounds.

The files, which feature the Smash Bros. announcer doing what he does bestannouncingsuggest that other game modes might have been cut from the game, or could be available in the future in some form. The files hint at modes like "Boss Battle," "Tourney," and a very intriguing "8 Player Smash" as well as things like "Choose a Mii" and "Yellow Team."


While nothing is confirmed and all is conjecture at this point, several fans on sites like NeoGAF and Reddit hypothesize that these modes could be available in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and that the sound files exist to play through the 3DS speakers when using the 3DS as a controller for the Wii U game, similar to how certain sounds are played through the speaker on the Wii Remote. Another possibility is that these files refer to modes once planned for the game, but eventually left on the cutting room floor.

Only time will tell if these unused files refer to future content or modes cut from the game during development.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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I think this will be some cross play modes exclusive for those who own both copies of the game (an incentive of some sort). I like the idea of a coin runners/coin grab game.

8 player smash could be 4 3DS' and 4 people on the Wii U in some weird cross play match...not sure how it would work or if anyone actually knew 7 other people they could play locally with...but I reckon that all of these sounds will be used. We already know that this thing is pushing the 3DS to the limit so I can imagine that any unused assets they could have cleared off the game card then they would have done it!

Flynnie said:
I think this will be some cross play modes exclusive for those who own both copies of the game (an incentive of some sort). I like the idea of a coin runners/coin grab game.

8 player smash could be 4 3DS' and 4 people on the Wii U in some weird cross play match...not sure how it would work or if anyone actually knew 7 other people they could play locally with...but I reckon that all of these sounds will be used. We already know that this thing is pushing the 3DS to the limit so I can imagine that any unused assets they could have cleared off the game card then they would have done it!

I was thinking maybe 4 people on Gamecube controllers, 4 on Wii U controllers / 3DS as controllers.

The name, however, strikes me as odd. Why call it "8 Player Smash?" what happens if you only have 5, 6, or 7 people? I doubt they'd require 8 and no less, so having the name be potentially inaccurate is a little odd. Then again, I'm not sure what else they would use. Mega Smash? Super Smash?

Also, as I understand it, the game only pushes the system to its limits processor-wise. The game itself only takes up a few gigabytes of space on the 3DS cart. Having these sounds on there shouldn't affect anything if they're not being actively called upon.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I think this will be some cross play modes exclusive for those who own both copies of the game (an incentive of some sort). I like the idea of a coin runners/coin grab game.

Would be a good idea actually, and more incentive to grab both. A possible 8-player mode sounds crazy good, too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

8 player smash? Yowzah. Sounds like some pretty crazy crap could go down.

( Edited 16.10.2014 22:41 by origonalname112 )

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