Introducing the UCraft Wii U Character Types

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.10.2014 1

Introducing the UCraft Wii U Character Types on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Introducing the three different types of player classes in the upcoming Wii U exclusive sandbox game, UCraft.

The types of classes available at launch will be Warrior, Magician and Engineer, with more types to come in future UCraft downloadable content. Each of these character types will come with their own set of skills, strengths and weaknesses, with certain areas in the UCraft landscape only accessible to those with specific abilities.

Some challenges will simply be impossible to face alone, teased developer Nexis Games.

Image for Introducing the UCraft Wii U Character Types

What do you think of the initial crop of characters for UCraft?

Box art for U Craft








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Our member of the week

I wonder if there will be online then... if it will be possible to host a game directly at your home or not. Cause character classes have limited impact in my opinion unless there's coop involved.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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