GameCube Adapter Only Compatible with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

By Az Elias 08.10.2014 5

GameCube Adapter Only Compatible with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite previous information that the GameCube Adapter, which allows GameCube controllers to be used for upcoming title Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, would be compatible with other Wii and Wii U titles in place of Wii Classic and Wii U Pro Controllers, Nintendo has clarified the situation.

The truth is that the GameCube Adapter will only work with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and that information detailing its compatibility with other Wii and Wii U software was a mistake.

Nintendo gave a statement to GameSpot:

"The GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U is compatible with Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U specifically - it is not compatible with any other Wii U software. The adapter is also not compatible with Wii and we apologise for any confusion"
The GameCube Adapter will release on 5th December in Europe, and 21st November in North America, alongside the fighter's launch, allowing up to four GameCube controllers to connect to the system and play the game.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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In hindsight, it did sound a bit odd since it was advertised as a regular alternative, which just wouldn't be possible. GameCube controllers could work for some other games like The Wind Waker HD or Mario Kart 8, but they're lacking things to be fully recognised as a Wii U Pro Controller or even a Classic Controller Pro. Would need to be patched in on an individual basis, I think.

Never like seeing mistakes like these, though. Doesn't matter for me, but there almost certainly are people that happened to read that it will be supported but miss a retraction like this. Bad times for whoever put this info into the product description on their online store.

I think it was Nintendo UK that actually started all of this! Damn teasers!

Aww, that's pretty disappointing. Hopefully they'll release a patch to make it compatible with Mario Kart 8 at least!

I am still a little baffled as to why they couldn't have made it compatible with Wii games that are already compatible with the GameCube controller anyway? It feels like a lost opportunity. It won't stop me buying it and I still have my GameCube and Wii for those games anyway but still feels like a lost opportunity.

maybe nintendo might make it compatible with GC VC games when they release them in around 5 years...

I wonder how long it will take for someone to make this compatible with PCs. The adapter uses two USBs just like third party ones from companies like Mayflash do, too. Would be a nice way to get more out of the adapter, even if I already have the Classic Controller Pro and DualShock 3 as options for my PC.

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