Super Smash Bros. Wii U Releasing 21st November in North America and 5th December in Europe

By Az Elias 07.10.2014 9

Super Smash Bros. Wii U Releasing 21st November in North America and 5th December in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's hugely anticipated all-star fighter for Wii U has had its release dates officially announced.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will release on 5th December in Europe. It will arrive a couple of weeks earlier on 21st November in North America.

The first wave of amiibo figures, compatible with the game and other titles in the future, will release on 28th November, and include favourites like Mario, Link, Peach, Donkey Kong and Fox McCloud. From 19th December, a second batch will come out, and will include Luigi, Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong, Little Mac, Pit and Zelda.

Image for Super Smash Bros. Wii U Releasing 21st November in North America and 5th December in Europe
Various bundles will also launch alongside the base game.

Fans can pick up a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U game and Mario amiibo pack, as well as a bundle containing the game plus GameCube controller adapter. Unfortunately, the GameCube controller will only be available to purchase separately in Europe.

Image for Super Smash Bros. Wii U Releasing 21st November in North America and 5th December in Europe
Image for Super Smash Bros. Wii U Releasing 21st November in North America and 5th December in Europe
Image for Super Smash Bros. Wii U Releasing 21st November in North America and 5th December in Europe
Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Not too happy about the two week difference for a title as massive as Smash. We also don't seem to have a bundle with the adapter and controller. Why not? Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I would like a new GameCube controller since my old one's analogue stick is pretty worn out now. Yeah sure I can buy one separately, but you get a pretty decent discount with the North American bundle.

Oh well, I guess that's two months to do everything I can in the 3DS version because I really don't want to switch between them once this one is out. That would really mess up my muscle memory.

SirLink said:
Not too happy about the two week difference for a title as massive as Smash. We also don't seem to have a bundle with the adapter and controller. Why not? Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I would like a new GameCube controller since my old one's analogue stick is pretty worn out now. Yeah sure I can buy one separately, but you get a pretty decent discount with the North American bundle.

Oh well, I guess that's two months to do everything I can in the 3DS version because I really don't want to switch between them once this one is out. That would really mess up my muscle memory.

If it makes you feel better, this means the U.S. will get a bunch of really cool launch window glitches like the 3DS version had Smilie

I can see why they made this choice. Missing Black Friday and Cyber Monday would be a death sentence for the Wii U this holiday in NA.

NNID: crackedthesky
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A 2 week wait. Bah! On my biggest hyped game of the gen, that makes me sore after all the fair releases Europe's been getting lately P:

I wonder which places will be selling the bundles and controllers? I think to begin with I'll buy the GC Adapter bundle and a new GC controller, I hope that's not too expensive x_x time to start keeping an eye out for prices.

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Wasn't it three months for brawl? They're getting better!

Man - massively excited, massively! Hoping there's a lot more solo content in this one - really wish characters were harder to unlock too.

Here's also hoping for the rumoured 3DS --> Wii U character unlock too.

May get the GC controller - difficult to play Smash any other way, however, given that I'm pretty used to the 3DS one now, I may just use a Wii U Pro controller instead.

Christmas is going to be awesome! My brother is a massive Smash-nut, so will have some good battles post Goose.

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Or you could just use the 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version if you are so used to that? Smilie

Flynnie said:
Or you could just use the 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version if you are so used to that? Smilie
You might as well ask people to intentionally handicap themselves. Smilie Honestly though, I can't play quite as well with the 3DS as I could with a controller and that's mainly because of the Circle Pad. I've seen people who are beasts at the game anyway, but I'm not one of those.

Wii U Pro controller would solve that problem but I'm definitely not going to pass up on playing Smash 4 with a GameCube controller. Besides, I need a new one for retro gaming anyway.

( Edited 08.10.2014 14:13 by SirLink )

Still a nice option for those who are short on controllers! You are right though, I'd rather use the gamepad or Pro controller than the 3DS!

Japan's getting this

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