Underground Wii U is Useful for Training Surgeons

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.10.2014

Underground Wii U is Useful for Training Surgeons on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new action/puzzler for Wii U is aimed at trainee surgeons in mind. It's time to go Underground.

Known as Underground, the project was in development for Wii, but has now shifted towards Wii U. The goal is to control a character called Sari, together with several robots, through deep mines by building a path through stairs, bridges etc. To do so, players will need to collect resources and defend against creatures.

Image for Underground Wii U is Useful for Training Surgeons

The main difference is how the game is controlled - by using laparoscopic equipment and two Wii Remote controllers at either side. The game should help players "subconsciously train their basic laparoscopic skills, such as depth perception, eye-hand coordination, inverse movements and bi-manual dexterity."

Image for Underground Wii U is Useful for Training Surgeons

Those who may not own such a setup, however, can still use the GamePad controllers to manipulate the robotic arms.

The studio behind the project, Grendel Games, is estimating a cost of around €20-30 on the Wii U eShop.

What do you think of the Underground concept?

Box art for Underground








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