3DS Hardware Limitations Prevented Transforming Characters in Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.10.2014 4

3DS Hardware Limitations Prevented Transforming Characters in Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The 3DS hardware limitations prevented transforming characters in the new Super Smash Bros. games.

In the past, producer Masahiro Sakurai noted how the lack of transformations has allowed individual characters - like Princess Zelda and Sheik - to be developed further. However, another reason for the move was discussed in the latest edition of Japanese magazine, Famitsu.

Sakurai, in his column, explained that "it was impossible to have both characters exist together [as one] on 3DS" and the decision was mainly made to to this particular limitation. The separation, however, has made the characters "more fresh now," he said.

The 3DS limitations are also a reason why the Circle Pad Pro isn't supported.

Do you agree with the change - having separate, instead of transforming, characters?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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Definitely prefer separate - Zero Suit was always a weird idea as a final smash.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can understand the circle pad - it uses the infer red port so maybe thats laggy?

But what "hardware limits"  prevent transformations O_o

Are they talking Ram limits? How high are those polygons to fill that up? (as you could just have the alt-character offscreeen and quickly swap the co-ordinates).
But even then card based media loads really fast these days so surely the "poof" of the switch could hide the slight delay? hmmm..

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I can't help but think that this game is really really pushing the 3DS to the limit. Im still a little gutted about the lack of Ice Climbers for the lack of power in the system! None the less I wasn't too bothered about the transformation of characters. I did like having Pokemon trainer though!

It blows my mind that some people think splitting Zelda and Sheik somehow took away a character slot for a completely new character from The Legend of Zelda. That's not how this works and it's just as stupid as getting worked up over clones that take a fraction of the amount of time to develop than original characters.

I do like this change and would have preferred it even if it didn't need to happen due to 3DS limitations. Zelda/Sheik got a new Special move slot and Samus/Zero Suit Samus can finally use Final Smashes freely. Charizard also doesn't weaken over time, something I also disliked about the Pokémon Trainer. Clever mechanic, yes. Practical? No.

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