Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2014 5

Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have launched a new website that showcases the various different 3DS menu themes that'll be available.

From a Mushroom-filled, Mario background to traditional Japanese artwork, a Legend of Zelda motif to sparkly stars, there'll be something to suit all 3DS owners. There's even a cross-over selection with third parties, including Monster Hunter and Gunvolt themes.

Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt
Image for Nintendo 3DS Themes from Mario to Gunvolt

Which franchises would you like to see in Nintendo 3DS themes?

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These are nifty but I am itching to be able to craft and apply my own themes.

I'm a little concerned about how much these will cost in Europe. Great idea but I can't see many people investing in them if they cost more than a general eShop game.

With that said id love to see a starfox or metroid theme!

I like them, but some seem a bit too much/distracting - prefer the more simpler or muted themes.

Flynnie said:
With that said id love to see a starfox or metroid theme!

Definitely! Plus Sonic, as well, would be great!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Gimme a Wonderful 101 theme. Smilie

It's also worth mentioning that they aren't just simply new themes in terms of looks. I think you also get a new background music for the menu (since each theme has a BGM with it according to the website). For example, the Rosalina one has this as the music, from Super Mario Galaxy:



( Edited 01.10.2014 10:47 by Marzy )

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