Nintendo Adds Folders in Wii U System Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2014 5

Nintendo Adds Folders in Wii U System Update on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have updated the Wii U firmware today with a handful of nifty improvements, including folders.

Now updated to 5.2.0 U, the latest changes include folders for the Wii U menu, various tweaks to the Quick Start Menu and system stability. The software becomes available automatically when connected to the internet, with a notification to install once it's downloaded.

The full update notes:

Changes to the Wii U Menu:
  • Folders can now be created in the Wii U Menu to hold and organize software icons
  • A Download Management icon has been added to the Wii U Menu
Changes to Quick Start Menu:
  • The Quick Start Menu will now display when the Wii U is powered on from the Wii U GamePad TV Remote
  • Options have been added to Power Settings that allow users to hide certain software from the Quick Start Menu
Changes to the HOME Menu:
The design and layout of the HOME Menu has been updated

Changes to the Nintendo eShop:
Disabled usage of characters not used when redeeming Nintendo eShop cards (O, I, Z, etc.)

Improvements to system stability and usability:
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

Have you downloaded the latest Wii U update yet?

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Now if only we could theme these menus like the 3ds will soon be able to...

This update may have somthing to do with the Smash bros Wii u and 3ds  version connectivity. What exactly is the connectivity between the two verions supposed to do ???

( Edited 30.09.2014 20:02 by curtiscdragon )

Why is it that no system can just launch with good functioning folders? Except the Vita. It's such a handy feature!

curtiscdragon said:
This update may have somthing to do with the Smash bros Wii u and 3ds  version connectivity. What exactly is the connectivity between the two verions supposed to do ???

I kinda doubt it but I suppose we'll see!

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Vita didn't launch with folders either. Smilie

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Not bad. Smilie

Phoenom said:
Vita didn't launch with folders either. Smilie

It didn't? Guess I didn't pay much attention to how it all worked before getting mine Smilie

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