Fatal Frame Wii U is Japan Only

By David Lovato 29.09.2014 7

Fatal Frame Wii U is Japan Only on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fatal Frame, the survival horror series that pits protagonists against ghosts with only a camera to aid them, saw its latest release as a Wii U exclusive, but it apparently won't be leaving Japan.

Responding to a Twitter campaign, Koei Tecmo Europe has tweeted that there are currently no plans to release the game outside of Japan, despite the previous game in the series, Project Zero 2: Wii Edition, seeing a release in Europe and Australia.

Survival horror fans around the world continue to make their voices heard regarding the game, but it looks like Fatal Frame V will remain a Japan-exclusive title for the foreseeable future.

Box art for Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water
Also known as

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water


Koei Tecmo







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this dosent mean it wont ever leave Japan. Tecmo of Europe's Social media personel dosent actually know. they have no authority on whether it gets published or not.  that is nintendo's call.

Insanoflex said:
this dosent mean it wont ever leave Japan. Tecmo of Europe's Social media personel dosent actually know. they have no authority on whether it gets published or not.  that is nintendo's call.
Yep. Basically.

Always wanted to play a Fatal Frame game. Really hope it comes to Europe, I'd maybe like to buy it!

0perationZer0 is doing everything it can for awareness to convince nintendo it is a worth while endeavor.

even the fatal frame5 miiverse JP boards are filled with europeans and americans all screaming for fatal frame to be localized.

Our member of the week

I will simply copy/paste here what I said on another website, regarding this:

Kafei2006 said:
For all we know, this may be a european KT rep not being in the know whether Nintendo has intention of brining it themselves or not. When was the last time Tecmo brought a PZ game outside of Japan themselves? Project Zero 2 for Wii was brought to Europe by Nintendo themselves, but KT Europe might not necessarily be in the know if that's the case. For me, all this tweet confirms is that if it's coming to Europe, it'll be coming from Nintendo and not KT themselves.

And I now see that Fatal Frame II & III originally came statesides through Tecmo themselves, but no PZ game was ever released in Europe by Tecmo or Koei Tecmo themselves (first was Wanadoo, second was Ubisoft, and third was Take-Two. Then the remake of the second was Nintendo themselves...). So what does a KT Europe rep know?

Marzy said:
Always wanted to play a Fatal Frame game. Really hope it comes to Europe, I'd maybe like to buy it!

Not too late to get yourself PZ2 On Wii Marzipan Smilie. A good place to start IMHO.

( Edited 30.09.2014 01:41 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I really hope they do decide to localize it. North America hasn't gotten a Fatal Frame since the Playstation 2. Plus it just makes sense. From what I'm reading elsewhere, Nintendo owns the exclusive publishing rights to the series, meaning they're sitting on an IP they're doing very little with. The Wii U needs all the games it can get, and with Fatal Frame, Eternal Darkness, Bayonetta 2, Devil's Third etc. Nintendo also has a prime moment to shake the "Nintendo only makes games for little kids" stigma that still haunts them.

Also, this game just looks awesome.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
I really hope they do decide to localize it. North America hasn't gotten a Fatal Frame since the Playstation 2. Plus it just makes sense. From what I'm reading elsewhere, Nintendo owns the exclusive publishing rights to the series, meaning they're sitting on an IP they're doing very little with. The Wii U needs all the games it can get, and with Fatal Frame, Eternal Darkness, Bayonetta 2, Devil's Third etc. Nintendo also has a prime moment to shake the "Nintendo only makes games for little kids" stigma that still haunts them.

Also, this game just looks awesome.

depends if you count spirit camera for the 3DS too... which actually sold better in the states than anywhere else.

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