The Legend of Legacy Began 2 Years Ago

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.09.2014

The Legend of Legacy Began 2 Years Ago on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

FuRyu have shared more details of the new 3DS RPG, Legend of Legacy with Japanese magazine Famitsu.

The game, which is being crafted with some former Squaresoft staff, will feature seven different characters and an open, non-linear story. It'll hit stores on 22nd January next year in Japan.

Having started the project around two years ago, director Masataka Matsuura noted how he came "to the conclusion of "if I'm going to make a proper RPG, then wouldn't it be best to make it with those who have already done so?"

He noted how there'll be a mechanic that only allows "magic/artes" use only within the island of Avalon, teasing more details on this system at a later date. There'll be combat with monsters on the island, with a mystery to uncover throughout the game.

What do you think of the game so far?

Box art for The Legend of Legacy





Turn Based RPG



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