More Screenshots from FAST Racing Neo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.09.2014 4

More Screenshots from FAST Racing Neo Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More screenshots of FAST Racing Neo have emerged this week, showcasing the game's vibrant environments.

After posting the debut image on Twitter last week, the studio showcased even more snaps from the upcoming Wii U racer - highlighting scorching sunshine, futuristic track design and intricately detailed landscapes.

Shin'en worked on FAST Racing League on Wii, as well as other games Nano Assault and Art of Balance.

Image for More Screenshots from FAST Racing Neo Wii U
Image for More Screenshots from FAST Racing Neo Wii U

What are your thoughts on the FAST Racing Neo look so far?

Box art for Fast Racing Neo








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Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Wow, this makes me simultaneously excited for it, and angry that we're having to convince Nintendo to make another F-Zero. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

if this does well would be nice if nintendo reached out to shin'en for assistance on a new f zero game

Awesome. These guys really do know how to use the Wii U. If the gameplay matches the graphics, I'm sold!

Why can't nintendo approach them to make it into an fzero, saves them the development cycle. I'm sure that with an added Nintendo polish many people would be happy. This does look good from the screens, hopefully it will be a great game!

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