Fantasy Life DLC Now Available to Order

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.09.2014 1

Fantasy Life DLC Now Available to Order on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want even more from Fantasy Life? Additional content is now available to order online.

The bonus DLC, to be available with the game's release on 26th September 2014, will include a brand new area, additional quests, customisation, materials, ranks and recipes. In addition to the vibrant new area, there will a holiday home, Friendship System and two new types of pet: birds and dragons.

The DLC pack can be purchased from £7.19.

There will be support for online play in the Origin Island pack, but only with those who have downloaded it.

Will you expand your Fantasy Life?

Box art for Fantasy Life

Brownie Brown







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I've got no issues with additional content because based on what I've read, the base game already has tons of stuff in it. I can't help but question the decision to split the player base like this, though. I'm very likely going to buy the expansion, but my sister who is also getting the game probably won't care to, which would prevent us from playing together at all. It's a pain to buy it for her too, just makes me wish it was included in the base game at a slightly higher retail price point.

( Edited 20.09.2014 17:59 by SirLink )

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