3DS JRPG The Legend of Legacy gets a teaser website

By Rudy Lavaux 20.09.2014 6

3DS JRPG The Legend of Legacy gets a teaser website on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Announced in the September issue of the V-Jump magazine, over in Japan, The Legend of Legacy is a Japanese RPG currently in development at development outlet FuRyu, the creators of Unchained Blades, a PSP and 3DS Japan-only RPG which did get a western release in North America by XSEED Games back in 2013, but sadly never in Europe.

The new game is apparently set on the the island of Avalon, a famous location from Arthurian Legends, has the Star Graal (sic) in it, and sports 7 playable characters to choose from for your party. See below a piece of art from the newly opened teaser website:

Image for 3DS JRPG The Legend of Legacy gets a teaser website

The game is set to be released in Japan, both as a retail and download release, on January 22nd 2015 at a recommended retail price of 5980 yen (£33.67 / $54.85 / €42.75).

Does the prospect of exploring the mythical island of Avalon seduce you? Do you hope for a western release like was the case for Unchained Blades? Let us know in the comments below!

Box art for The Legend of Legacy





Turn Based RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I see a Pikachu with fluffy fur and a longer tail holding an object that closely resembles a Pokéball...Smilie

Thank goodness were getting more Japan rpgs. We need all we can get. Pluse for me growing up thats all there were were Jrpgs. The Japanese invented RPgs right ?????????Smilie

( Edited 23.09.2014 16:17 by curtiscdragon )

Our member of the week

curtiscdragon said:
The Japanese invented RPgs right ?????????Smilie

Are you serious?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yea, as far back as i can remember it was Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest) on the NES wich was a Jrpg. Were their rpgs before that ?????

( Edited 23.09.2014 16:20 by curtiscdragon )

Our member of the week

curtiscdragon said:
Yea, as far back as i can remember it was Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest) on the NES wich was a Jrpg. Were their rpgs before that ?????

Dragon Warrior itself took inspiration( a lot of it !!) somewhere else yeah. As far as I know, Temple of Apshai, Ultima and Wizardry, all western RPGs precede Dragon Quest by several years. And if you want to go even further than that, RPGs find their origin not in video game format but in pen and paper games. Video Game RPGs just took most of their mechanics from there and ran away with them.

If you're interested in finding out about those very early RPGs, there's a cool series of articles on the Wizardry series over at hardcoregaming101.net which starts off with a summary on old RPGs, and shows how a lot of recent ones still take their inspirations from old mechanics that originated back in the early 80's. Check it out

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Even playing games for 20 years being 35 years old i guess i still have a lot to learn about games. Thanks for the info I will check out the web sight being a big fan of RPGs it would be facinating to see how they originated..Smilie  !!

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