Announced in the September issue of the V-Jump magazine, over in Japan, The Legend of Legacy is a Japanese RPG currently in development at development outlet FuRyu, the creators of Unchained Blades, a PSP and 3DS Japan-only RPG which did get a western release in North America by XSEED Games back in 2013, but sadly never in Europe.
The new game is apparently set on the the island of Avalon, a famous location from Arthurian Legends, has the Star Graal (sic) in it, and sports 7 playable characters to choose from for your party. See below a piece of art from the newly opened teaser website:
The game is set to be released in Japan, both as a retail and download release, on January 22nd 2015 at a recommended retail price of 5980 yen (£33.67 / $54.85 / €42.75).
Does the prospect of exploring the mythical island of Avalon seduce you? Do you hope for a western release like was the case for Unchained Blades? Let us know in the comments below!