Disney Infinity 2.0 Has Lowest Resolution on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2014 5

Disney Infinity 2.0 Has Lowest Resolution on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The lead programmer for Disney Infinity 2.0 has noted how the Wii U version has the lowest home console resolution.

Responding to a question on Twitter, Nate Robins noted how the Wii U version of the upcoming game has a lower resolution compared to other editions.

The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions are rendered at near 720p at 1280x672, whilst the Wii U version appears to take a dip at 1138x600. By comparison, the game is said to run at 1080p on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Which version of Disney Infinity 2.0 will you go for?

Box art for Disney Infinity 2.0








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.... Why?!?! :/

Laziness/a slap job on the Wii U version is the only real answer as to why this would be the case.

Now ask about framerates

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