First Screenshot of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U; More Coming Next Week

By Az Elias 16.09.2014 7

First Screenshot of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U; More Coming Next Week on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shin'en Multimedia has revealed a sneak peek at its upcoming racer due for release on Wii U eShop.

The team released the first screenshot of FAST Racing Neo, teasing that there will be more to come next week.

The team was responsible for the first title, FAST Racing League on Wii, as well as other games Nano Assault and Art of Balance.

Image for First Screenshot of FAST Racing Neo for Wii U; More Coming Next Week
Box art for Fast Racing Neo








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That actually looks really nice, visually!

I guess this could be the closest we get to an F-Zero on Wii U.

Shin'en are graphical masters. They somehow manage to make the graphics for just about any system they work on look good.

And, totally agree Marzy. I'm really hoping this turns out to be a good game, to fill that canyon left behind by Nintendo's unwillingness to do a new F-Zero =/ .

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Our member of the week

Faust D. Strooijer said:
Nintendo's unwillingness to do a new F-Zero =/ .

I think they've got their ass between two stools with F-Zero, that's the problem.

People beg for a game that's more like GX than any other game in the series, just in HD, with online etc, yet Miyamoto loathed GX. I don't see them doing an F-Zero without Miyamoto and yet they know people want what Miyamoto loathed so much.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Would love Nintendo to nab hold of them as second-party, their talent/visual skill as impressive as always!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Hot damn, I can't wait for this. Smilie I really enjoyed the first one on WiiWare.

RudyC3 said:
Faust D. Strooijer said:
Nintendo's unwillingness to do a new F-Zero =/ .

I think they've got their ass between two stools with F-Zero, that's the problem.

People beg for a game that's more like GX than any other game in the series, just in HD, with online etc, yet Miyamoto loathed GX. I don't see them doing an F-Zero without Miyamoto and yet they know people want what Miyamoto loathed so much.

Wait... Miyamoto loathed GX?! Smilie Why? GX was a masterpeice!

jb said:
Would love Nintendo to nab hold of them as second-party, their talent/visual skill as impressive as always!
Dear lord, that would be so awesome. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Our member of the week

Agul said:
Wait... Miyamoto loathed GX?! Smilie Why? GX was a masterpeice!

In an interview once he said how he was disappointed with the results of Starfox and F-Zero on Gamecube because they were handled by third parties. I suppose his disapprobation of GX could come from the difficulty, it sure is not a game to be put in any player's hands like Mario Kart is and Miyamoto prefers games that have a universal appeal and building bridges between all audiences rather than catering to a certain demographic or player category and GX is definitely hardcore (I never managed to finish unlocking everything on MASTER).

Yet I still loved the game, simply because it was loads of fun, super speedy and thrilling, and easy to control at the end of the the day, but just tough as nails to actually "master". Plus, vehicle customisation was awesome and totally something I wish they expended upon in a new episode.

Damn! I wish they allowed for building your own ship from many MANY more parts than on GX AND allow for full customisation with decals as cool as what you can do in Forza Motorsport for example and then allow players to upload them to a server and play online with it. It would be so cool to let 30 players playing with what seems like completely unique ships because the possibilities for making your ship stand out from others would be pretty much endless! *sigh* so much room for a cool HD F-Zero and yet Nintendo won't jump at the opportunity :/.

( Edited 17.09.2014 22:37 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Wow, that explains a lot, and I guess I understand why he feels that way.

Still, I'm with you on this. I love GX for all the same reasons and would practically kill to get a new one. We NEED a new F-Zero for Wii U (and Star Fox). Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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