Smash Bros. 3DS Demo Launches in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.09.2014

Smash Bros. 3DS Demo Launches in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Over in Japan, Nintendo have launched a free demo for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.

Producer Masahiro Sakurai confirmed the news on Miiverse today, with five characters, fixed rules and the "Battlefield" stage to host the action. The team have also thrown in a "few items and assist trophies" and included local wireless to try out multiplayer. As for a demo for fans in regions outside Japan, Sakurai teased - "stay tuned for more news."

The demo itself takes 1016 blocks, has a usage limited of 30 tries and includes Mario, Link, Villager, Pikachu and Mega Man.

First direct-feed footage has emerged from NintenDann:



Own a Japanese 3DS - have you tried the demo yet?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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