LEGO Batman 3 DLC Packs Skip Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.09.2014 2

LEGO Batman 3 DLC Packs Skip Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is getting a DLC Season Pass, but it looks like this content will skip Wii U.

Warner Bros. confirmed the selection today, which includes a range of bonus content and a season pass for six different packs. Available launch day, fans will be able to grab hold of "The Dark Knight", "Man of Steel" and "Batman 75th" pack, with further DLC content planned.

However, within the list of platforms mentioned - PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC - there is no sign of Wii U in sight.

Would you want this DLC content on Wii U?

Box art for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham



Warner Bros.





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*Third party cuts content out of multiplatform game*

*Very few want to buy a gimped product and choose ones that aren't, like most Nintendo games.*

third Parties: 'Waa Waa, why don't our games sell! We can't compete with Nintendo games!*

Me: *facepalm*

( Edited 09.09.2014 21:51 by Phoenom )

pbjms (guest) 09.09.2014#2

This is pathetic - they wonder why their games do so bad on Wii U, well it's because the Wii U versions are crap compared to the versions they actually care about. This is so horrible. Honestly, the ONE bad move they make on the game is the ONE move that makes me contemplate whether or not to even purchase the game. Bad move TT Games, shame on you.

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