A Look at a Potential Past Metroid Concept from pre-2009

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.09.2014 4

A Look at a Potential Past Metroid Concept from pre-2009 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Over the weekend, Metroid concept artwork from a past Next Level Games employee surfaced online.

A potential Metroid prototype/concept was part of a collection of artwork before the staffer left the group back in 2009. It seems that the studio may well have been penning a potential Metroid project, but as history panned out, the group ended up working on the critically acclaimed Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.

The pieces include a new, stylised look for Nintendo's popular bounty hunter, plus enemy and boss artwork.

Image for A Look at a Potential Past Metroid Concept from pre-2009
Image for A Look at a Potential Past Metroid Concept from pre-2009
Image for A Look at a Potential Past Metroid Concept from pre-2009

What are your thoughts on the look - could it have worked, should Next Level Games revisit the concept?

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While the monsters look good Samus is all wrong, I'm glad Nintendo didn't use them for developing a Metroid title.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I think Luigis Mansion 2 is a master piece and definitely one of the best games on the 3DS. I'm happy they worked on that and I'd be happy if they were working on a forthcoming Metroid game...albeit not with that artwork. 

Sort of reminds me of the flatwork to spyro games

Wiled and very cool for mabey a Japanese anime of Metroid but not for a console titlle im glad they stuck with the original designs.

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