Capcom Not Focusing on Wii U for Resident Evil Remaster

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.08.2014 5

Capcom Not Focusing on Wii U for Resident Evil Remaster on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want remastered, classic survival horror action on Nintendo Wii U? It's not looking likely, zombie fans.

The Resident Evil HD Remaster, an enhanced version of the remade version of the original Resident Evil game (tongue twister, or what), is being developed for multiple platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, PS3 and PS4.

With the series having had a successful home on Nintendo systems for over a decade, there doesn't seem to be a lifeline for a Wii U version for the moment. In an interview with Capcom's Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, he noted how a Wii U version is not within the team's focus.

He didn't rule out an appearance on the Nintendo format, however, so there still might be some retro blood and guts at some point.

Would you revisit Resident Evil if re-released on Wii U?

Box art for Resident Evil








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So we dont get a remake of a remake? not that bothered.

Ubisoft should remake the first Alone in the Dark though, the game that started it all could do with a new version after all these decades. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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A little, but not very disappointed because it's a remake of a remastered remake, etc. (though it would've been nice to have). If Resident Evil: Revelations 2 turns out to be true, but doesn't make it to Nintendo platforms then that will be a big disappointment.

But it does surprise me when I hear Resident Evil games (especially remakes) won't be coming to Nintendo platforms. I know third parties complain about sales on Nintendo platforms, but Resident Evil been a third party franchise that has consistently sold well on Nintendo platforms, even despite it's mature rating

  • Resident Evil (GCN)
  • Resident Evil 0 (GCN)
  • Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
  • Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)
  • Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)
The above games all made Capcom's platinum list and were Nintendo exclusive. Resident Evil Revelations also made the platinum list, though it was released on other platforms (but from what I hear, the 3DS version was still the best selling version).

( Edited 29.08.2014 03:50 by Sonic_13 )

Giorgio (guest) 29.08.2014#3

Most Nintendo fans don't care about getting the top AAA titles anyway.

Giorgio (guest) said:
Most Nintendo fans don't care about getting the top AAA titles anyway.

Thats like saying most people dont care to get food. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

settle down guys, its literally just the gamecube version that with the backgrounds exported into a higher resolution, its not another remake, its THE remake. if we really wanted to play it we can put the Wii version in and play it on the wii u right now. It is all shades of bullshit we arnt included though but then this isnt new, wheres about Okami HD, street fighter 2 HD, RE4 HD, RE:CV HD and so on.

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