Miyamoto on Renewed Core Focus, Dismisses Casual Attitudes as Pathetic

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.08.2014 2

Miyamoto on Renewed Core Focus, Dismisses Casual Attitudes as Pathetic on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the latest issue of Edge magazine, Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto explained a passion for core gamers.

The Wii U and 3DS have seen Nintendo shift from catering for a wide audience on Wii and DS to more traditional, core experiences. The games, however, still provide entry points for newcomers and seasoned veterans, but according to Miyamoto, Nintendo don't want to focus on making content for those who "passively" play games.

He feels that these are the sorts of people who "might want to watch a movie. They might want to go to Disneyland."

Image for Miyamoto on Renewed Core Focus, Dismisses Casual Attitudes as Pathetic

It's the first time a company representative has outlined a move to shift away from casual audiences.

He feels that their attitudes might be one where game makers are "supposed to entertain" and this passive approach he feels is a "kind of pathetic thing." Miyamoto feels that these consumers need to try to move that "one step further" to challenge themselves.

Because of the uplift of smart devices, he feels it's a good thing as Nintendo doesn't "have to worry about making games something that are relevant to general people's daily lives."

Do you think Nintendo should still focus on casual audiences as well?

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That is a pretty bold statement from Nintendo. Maybe they will actually keep their word this time, as It seems like they have said they were shifting focus to the "core" gamer every year since the Wii was launched. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Nintendo I don't think ever divided people up into casuals and hardcore anyway. That was everyone else.
Nintendo used to always talk about "accessible" games - and theres nothing about accessible that means passive or easy.

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