Capcom Suing Koei Tecmo over Expansions, Rumble Features

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.08.2014 6

Capcom Suing Koei Tecmo over Expansions, Rumble Features on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A report suggests that Capcom are suing Koei Tecmo for patent infringement.

The lawsuit involves a patent that Capcom claims has been infringed in 50 titles, with claims of around 980 million yen (about $9.43 million) expected. The patent is said to revolve around the idea of importing content from expansion discs in conjunction with the original disc to unlock additional content.

Claims also revolve around a feature where controllers vibrate when enemies are nearby, and the publisher feels that this infringement has "greatly contributed to the sales" of Koei Tecmo's titles, like Samurai Warriors: Xtreme Legends.

Do you think Capcom has grounds for this particular lawsuit?

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Sad, sad times - really, Crapcom, really?

OMG Expansion packs? Now wai.
OMG Rumble when enemies are near? Revolutionary!

Pointless lawsuit.

Spend money on making good games.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This is one of the most appalling law cases I've seen. Fuck off, Capcom.

Really hope this will get laughed out of court. Seriously, a company suing over who invented the best methods to rip off their customers. Gotta love the gaming industry, eh? The rumble thing is so ridiculous, it doesn't even deserve a witty response.

And this is where I just want capcom to fully die now.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
And this is where I just want capcom to fully die now.
Only after they sell Monster Hunter and its entire development team (seemingly the only sane people left at Capcom) to Nintendo. And Platinum Games gets back Okami.

I'm putting this out there, capcom are worse than EA. They're not only anti consumer, they're anti developer

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