Fight Pokémon: Pokkén Tournament Announced for Arcades

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.08.2014 3

Fight Pokémon: Pokkén Tournament Announced for Arcades on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a live video stream today, Nintendo announced a brand new game in development called Pokkén Tournament.

Due for release in 2015, the new game features various critters duking it out in a more traditional fighting game setup. Developed by the folk at Bandai Namco, the team behind the project will feature producers from both the Tekken and Soul Calibur series, according to


The initial footage, revealed by The Pokémon Company president Tsunekazu Ishihara, showed Machamp and Lucario going toe-to-toe.

Early reports also suggest how Pokkén Tournament will start life in the arcades, but it's uncertain whether there'll be a home console port.

Image for Fight Pokémon: Pokkén Tournament Announced for Arcades

More details are expected shortly.

What do you think of the Pokkén Tournament concept?

Box art for Pokkén Tournament

Bandai Namco







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Oh my word. :/

The WiiU is crying out for a HD Pokemon game and this would be great but no let's make it an Arcade fighter? Following Tekken's example this may to WiiU eventually but why arcade? WHY? :O

I sure hope there's some sort of Pokemon experience coming to WiiU that isn't more bloody Rumble!

Looks cool!

They've posted the video on their english youtube channel aswell, they never usually announce arcade machines for the west on there, so im guessing this will be announced for wii u pretty shortly.

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