A Look at the Alphadia Genesis Characters

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.08.2014 2

A Look at the Alphadia Genesis Characters on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mobile RPG Alphadia Genesis is heading to Wii U, with Natsume revealing some of the game's characters.

Alphadia Genesis will be the first in the Alphadia series to launch on consoles in North America, and will be exclusive to Nintendo's home console as a digital download.

Fifteen years after a clone-driven war, two kingdoms have signed a peace treaty and it's here were the story of Alphadia Genesis begins. Characters include Fray, a skilled swordsman, his younger sister Aurra, a research expert in clones. Fray uses fire, whilst Aurra's primary element revolves around light. A clone, known as Enah, uses water as her primary element, as well as Walter, a member of the Augustine Kingdom investigation squad.

Finally, Corone is the last character in the roster, but it's uncertain whether she could have an ulterior motive... she uses light as her primary element.

Image for A Look at the Alphadia Genesis Characters
Image for A Look at the Alphadia Genesis Characters

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Box art for Alphadia Genesis





Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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Great Great Great looking game wii u needs this. As an artist and aspiering game desiner I am really loving the art work . When Acctualy are we getting this game?????? 

( Edited 22.08.2014 17:33 by curtiscdragon )

How's the story I wonder? It's nice to see Nintendo getting some of the good quality phone games (I HOPE) but I'd like to see Infinity Blade & other games like that kind of quality on this system as well.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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