Night Trap Team Apply to Become Wii U Developers

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.08.2014 11

Night Trap Team Apply to Become Wii U Developers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The developers behind the Night Trap revival, ReVamped, have applied to become Wii U developers.

Despite the lengthy back story into why there's some animosity towards Nintendo, the team have decided to attempt to build bridges by actually now considering a Wii U version.

In the latest Kickstarter campaign update, it was confirmed that  "today we applied to become Wii U developers and publishers." It isn't certain yet whether Nintendo would accept the title, but the estimated cost is an additional "$20,000 beyond what we're already going to spend for the other four platforms we're supporting."

For more details, visit the Night Trap ReVamped project on Kickstarter.

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Can't help but love the irony on display here. They talk all about "burning bridges" and then they do exactly that with any Nintendo fans that may have been interested in backing their project.

They just want attention. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

This whole Kickstarter is not about making a game. It's about attention and money.

MONEY MONEY MONEY. They're not going to make it. I would draw a giant willy on the C3 homepage, if they do.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

they realized the internet isn't jumping at the chance to play an outdated game that's as controversial today as ankles in the 1920s so they are stopping being babies and trying to widen their audience because just like every other game today, people whine when it's not on their system. This is very dumb, about as dumb as the "hurr we're fixing cheetamen 2 just give us abillion dollar"

kingdom (guest) 17.08.2014#6

Some good comments here folks, my two cents?

Night trap was the GTA of its day. All controversy, no quality.

(Not that the GTA of today isn't depressingly stuffed with money)

It comes as little surprise... all of this.

Its themely.

Kids these days won't be shocked with this...probably see worse things going on in Hollyoaks!

Kids these days won't be shocked with this...probably see worse things going on in Hollyoaks!

JB - I don't get this I posted this but it keeps coming up as Alexi messamaro? I'm posting from my iPod touch so I don't get how this is happening?

Flynnie said:
Kids these days won't be shocked with this...probably see worse things going on in Hollyoaks!

JB - I don't get this I posted this but it keeps coming up as Alexi messamaro? I'm posting from my iPod touch so I don't get how this is happening?

Will pass this issue on to jb. How are you then posting under your real account name, though? Are you switching to a PC afterwards or is it just random?

For some reason it randomly logs me in as Alexi on my iPod touch. I had to log out as Alexi and back in as Flynnie. No one else has access to my iPod touch though. It's only happened twice now but it's just really strange....

Flynnie said:
For some reason it randomly logs me in as Alexi on my iPod touch. I had to log out as Alexi and back in as Flynnie. No one else has access to my iPod touch though. It's only happened twice now but it's just really strange....
Just done that to me too. (this is Mush.) Gotta get this problem fixed, haha.

Haha! What on earth! What is the mystery of Alexi's like some haunty C3 Ghost!

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