More Forbidden Manga 3DS Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.08.2014 1

More Forbidden Manga 3DS Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Marvelous has posted more footage of the upcoming RPG Forbidden Manga for Nintendo 3DS.

For those unfamiliar, the game puts players into the shoes of a young boy who looks after an inn haunted by female spirits. The group battle monsters and also keep the place looking ship-shape. The new footage invites players into the inn, showing off some of the characters, conversations and battle mechanics.


What do you think of the Forbidden Magna look and concept?

Box art for Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven








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Villaine (guest) 10.08.2014#1

This game... *sigh*

Sounded so promising once upon a time. I mean, the next title from the refugees of Neverland, the Rune Factory developer? Heck yes! Some sort of strategy-action combat system, vaguely like Valkyria Chronicles? Definitely onboard!

Then the videos started coming out, and jeez louise does this look awful. Just bizarrely awful. 

I get that chibi-style makes sense for a handhelds, where you want to get expressions and stuff across better so you should play with proportions. But this is such an awful-looking execution of that style! They're so, so chunky and low res... and, then, bizarrely enough, they're also not actually 3D! They're PRE-RENDERED SPRITES... of cel shaded, low poly 3D models... animated at, like, 4 frames per second!

That is.... what is... how can..... uuuurrrrrgggghhhhh

I can't even say anything anymore. This all just collapsed into a puddle of disappointment for me. I don't know about anyone else. 

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