Renegade Kid Announces Metroidvania Inspired Xeodrifter for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2014

Renegade Kid Announces Metroidvania Inspired Xeodrifter for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Renegade Kid has revealed a new project for the Nintendo 3DS eShop called Xeodrifter.

Studio co-founder Jools Watsham announced the new project as a "metroidvania" inspired game that's in development for the system, having worked on a 2D mock-up for what a de-make could have been for Moon Chronicles.

Xeodrifter follows an interstellar drifter who explorers the stars, who ends up on a cluster of four small planets after colliding with a rogue asteroid. He sets out to find the material to fix his warp drive to continue his adventure.

The team are looking to launch the game on the 3DS eShop initially.

Image for Renegade Kid Announces Metroidvania Inspired Xeodrifter for 3DS
Screenshot from the PC version.

My goal from the beginning of Xeodrifter was for it to be a small, bite-sized experience, much like Ikachan in terms of scope.

I want it to be something that you can dip into for fun, and accomplish in a relatively short period of time. But, there will be enough secret goodies located off the main path to keep the thorough gamers among us busy for a little longer.

What do you think of the Xeodrifter concept?

Box art for Xeodrifter

Renegade Kid


Renegade Kid


2D Platformer



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