Classic 80s Gems Come to Wii U in NES Remix Pack

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.07.2014 4

Classic 80s Gems Come to Wii U in NES Remix Pack on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America have confirmed that both NES Remix titles will be bundled into a retail package this year.

The company confirmed that both previous digital eShop releases will be popped onto a disc and compiled as the NES Remix Pack, in a similar move to the Famicom Remix 1+2 bundle for Japan.

NES Remix takes classic titles from 80s and, as the title suggests, reworks them with new challenges and ideas. The first game has 16 games across 204 events, whilst the sequel contains a further 12 titles with 169 challenges.

Will you pick up a copy of the NES Remix Pack this holiday season?

Box art for NES Remix Pack








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Nice for people who don't visit the eShop a lot. I personally think this kind of game works a lot better as a download title. No swapping discs, lower price! Especially when you could get them both for €17. Smilie

Nice. Far more likely to pick this up at some point now. Just please do a SNES Remix, Nintendo! Money's right here waiting for you.

Canyarion said:
Nice for people who don't visit the eShop a lot.

Ya I agree, and come to think of it - Nintendo could have a opportunity here - I know the main goal of eShop is digital downloads, but they could perhaps get a few indie studios together and release Indie Packs on discs.

That or have demos on discs that are bundled with Wii U consoles (or just pre-installed) to draw more attention to the eShop for newbies.

( Edited 27.07.2014 13:08 by jb )

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